The stars...

"As a human was once born with eyes reflecting stars. People mocked him, then killed his family. After that one night they tried to kill the boy, but he never appeared. Suddenly all the humans there looked up, as a bright night full of stars had started to lose the lights in the sky, one by one. "

Until he returned with power unfathomable, when he returned the stars in the sky were gone.

'His name was star eyes.....'

[Bystander] after that day, I woke up with a horrible headache then I start to take a walk outside. 'It was your fault...' suddenly a woman starts approaching him, she looked familiar then I look even closer. It was the girl from last night, but why was she pinning last night on me?..

'My family was still alive, they cried for help. But you just walked back to your house, they died because of you...'

I froze I failed to help her from last night, I can't help her. I can't help anyone they all hate me, Fine I don't care about anyone's lives. They don't matter only the planet matters, I have to eliminate those monsters one by one.

I'm not strong enough, I start to jog as the girl starts coming at me with a broken peice of wood but she slips, and tumbles over. I start to run faster, and faster I can't afford to make enemies that will slow me down. I start to approach the mountain wall, Accelerate! I phase through the land mass looking through the wall I see a much weaker monster like creature.

It seems they go through a life cycle? Or it may be separate from the main area of the location of monsters, this small one will be much easier to kill. I start to walk through the mountain, I step so carefully not even a dog's hearing would be able to detect me, finally when I start to get close enough I take a closer look.

It looks like a humanoid child, but the differences are the head and body, first the head is more oval shaped, with black eyes, and red cat shaped pupils. Then the mouth have small sharpened teeth, and no nose, the body is very small and slender with small spikes coming from its shoulders.

And of course grey skin, with a rocky texture but something odd happens, I have a bluish vision then look at the creature again there's a small growing aura. Around it then I start to realise why the brother monster was so much stronger, that before. AGE can make them stronger, no training due to low muscle mass, it's just time that has thier advantage...

I need to get much stronger than them, and kill them as fast as possible.

Ch end...