Home Conference

Tyson declared, "Brooklyn is a fantastic place. It's not just where I was raised; it's our home court. I can leverage every advantage there, especially when I step into that boxing ring."

Jimmy nodded enthusiastically. "That's right, Mike! That's exactly why we're all in on this fight. Get ready to show Brooklyn that their champion is back in action."

With that, Jimmy and Bill left the training facility to finalize arrangements with the event sponsors, while Tyson continued his intense training, pushing himself harder than ever. He knew the stakes were high, and Brooklyn expected nothing less than excellence from him.


As Tyson trained, he could hear the rhythmic thud of his gloves against the heavy bag, a sound that resonated like a heartbeat, reminding him of his commitment and the weight of his journey.

"Mike, I'd like you to meet our sponsor, Austin Peter," Jimmy announced, introducing a man in his thirties, dressed in a sharp, tailored suit. Austin exuded confidence and professionalism, with short, tousled hair and a knack for making anyone feel at ease.

"It's a pleasure to meet you, Mr. Peter," Tyson stated, extending his hand with a firm grip, signaling both respect and determination.

Austin smiled, meeting Tyson's gaze with warmth. "Just call me Austin, Mike. We're all in this together. I want to make sure we create something special for the fans."

Tyson reciprocated the smile. "Of course, Austin. I'm looking forward to it."

He led Austin and Jimmy to the gym's lounge, offering them cold beers and refreshments.

Austin took a sip and leaned back, "Brooklyn is your home base, Mike. You've got a serious following here, and that's why I wanted to host this event. It's a great opportunity for you."

Tyson understood the implications of hosting the fight in his hometown. A sold-out crowd meant not only successful ticket sales but also local pride and electric energy in the arena.

"Austin, will there be any chance for a TV broadcast of the fight?" Tyson asked, hopeful.

Austin hesitated briefly. "Unfortunately, since you're new to the professional circuit with just three matches under your belt, it's unlikely we'll secure a TV spot this time around. Networks are hesitant to cover preliminary fights."

Tyson acknowledged the reality. Breaking into television programming was tough, especially for newcomers. However, he was determined to leave a mark, even if it meant starting on a smaller scale.

"Alright, let's forget about the live TV broadcast for now. Can we at least get local radio stations on board to cover the fight?" Tyson suggested, his competitive spirit igniting.

Austin gave it a thought. "I can certainly try. There are a few stations interested, but I wouldn't want you to get your hopes too high."

"Whether it works out or not, I appreciate your efforts, Austin. I'll make sure to put on a great performance for you and everyone in Brooklyn," Tyson said, brimming with confidence.

After Austin left, Tyson took a moment to gather his thoughts. He then dialed up Bill, who quickly executed Tyson's plan to inform Golden Sun News about a feature writer coming in for pre-fight interviews the next morning.

The following day at 9:30 a.m., reporter Gil Joe arrived. He was well known for his engaging style and knack for storytelling. Tyson took a break from his routine to discuss the upcoming bout with Joe, detailing everything from his beginnings in Brooklyn to the current circumstances.

Joe listened intently and asked thoughtful questions, clearly captivated by Tyson's story. By the time Joe returned to his newsroom, he had all the material he needed to craft an eye-catching article that would grab readers' attention. The title read: "Brooklyn's Own National Champion Returns for a Grand Homecoming Fight."

The article highlighted Tyson's journey from troubled youth to boxing champion, emphasizing the hard work, perseverance, and resilience that marked his path. It was a narrative of personal victory as much as athletic success.

Upon Tyson's request, Joe and his team agreed to produce the article at cost, ensuring it reached local readers throughout Brooklyn. Tyson wanted his hometown to feel connected to him, to know his story and to rally behind him.

Just two days later, the buzz in Brooklyn about Tyson's fight was palpable. Local corners were filled with chatter, predictions, and excitement. Posters announcing the fight appeared on telephone poles and storefronts, and radio stations teased segments dedicated to the event.

Meanwhile, Jimmy and Austin worked diligently on promotional efforts, reaching out to local businesses and arranging interviews. Their goal was to create a significant buzz that would fill the seats at the event.

On September 20th, Jimmy called Tyson with thrilling news: local radio stations had agreed to broadcast the fight live, bringing in not just seasoned commentators but also a crew dedicated to capturing the atmosphere and excitement of the event.

"You're going to have the airwaves buzzing, Mike! This is your time!" Jimmy exclaimed excitedly before rushing off to finalize other details.

Tyson felt renewed energy as he prepared for the upcoming press conference, which was set to be a key event leading up to the fight. It was his first chance to officially face media as the main attraction, and he recognized the importance of this moment for his career.

Although the press conference wouldn't be on the grand scale of some major fights, it symbolized a significant milestone. It was an opportunity for Tyson to showcase himself, his journey, and his passion for boxing.

All the core members of his team gathered again, each one understanding the importance of this day. Teddy drove the van while Jimmy, Bill, and Kus engaged in quiet discussions about strategy and preparation. Tyson leaned back and closed his eyes for a moment of meditation, visualizing the upcoming fight and the roaring crowd that would greet him.

As they arrived at the Brooklyn Stadium, affectionately known as a local landmark, Tyson felt a rush of nostalgia. The arena, with a modest capacity of 5,000, buzzed with potential and built-in community support.

The atmosphere exploded with excitement as Tyson entered the stadium. Fans had already begun lining up outside, eager to catch a glimpse of the boxing legend. The press conference area was set, with a backdrop displaying colorful banners that proclaimed Tyson's return—an electrifying sight.

Austin greeted them upon arrival and shook hands enthusiastically. "Welcome, everyone! I'm thrilled to have you here."

As he introduced Tyson to the gathered press, Austin emphasized their camaraderie and shared vision for the event. "Mike represents not just a fighter but a local hero. Today marks an important occasion in Brooklyn's sports history."

Jimmy made introductions, presenting Kus to Austin, who immediately recognized the legendary coach. "It's an honor, Coach! Your work speaks volumes. I've always admired your eye for talent."

Kus, who had seen success against countless opponents, maintained a stoic demeanor but felt pride swell within him at Austin's recognition. "Thank you. Let's make this event one to remember."

The conference setup was simple, but the buzz in the air was undeniable. Though they arrived ahead of schedule, a few scattered staff members were busy arranging chairs and preparing the mic. As the clock ticked closer to the event, Austin excused himself to entertain media personnel and WBC officials, leaving Tyson and his team to gather their thoughts.

Approximately ten o'clock arrived. An office staff member approached. "Tyson, it's almost your turn."

Tyson stood briskly, adjusting his fitted leather jacket, a piece that had become almost like armor for him. With a deep breath, he walked confidently toward the press area, followed closely by Kus and Teddy, all ready to take the stage as future champions waited in anticipation.

He felt the energy of the room build around him—a powerful blend of nostalgia, hope, and potential—that was Brooklyn, the heart and soul of his journey. Today was just the beginning of what he hoped would be an unforgettable chapter in his boxing career.