Punishment of the Betrayers

On the other side of the gate, Night Silver was met with a scene of the 6 great gods engaged in combat with more than one dragon lord. About 30 of them were present. 

"Why isn't wild magic affecting them!" 

"They can't keep resisting like this for long!" 

"Hurry and cast another world beam! Kill the human's gods!" 

"We can't allow our power to be called into question! Kill them all! Once we're done here the last one will be easy!

"That's right! She can't kill us without standing still for a really long time!"

"Ahahaha! No need to worry about her then! KILL THESE DISGUSTING CREATURES!" 

There was quite an intense battle going on. A dragon's breath here, a dragon's breath there. Dragon's tackling the god of wind. The god of wind barely managed to hold up to their repeated attacks. His gear was starting to struggle to hold together. The others were suffering similar degrees of damage. It wouldn't be long before they would be wiped out. 

"Maximized Arch Magic - Stream of Lava…" 

Night Silver, with a well timed and placed spell, landed critical blows on two dragons with that single spell. Killing both of them instantly. 


The Dragon Lords paused in fear, or maybe confusion. It didn't matter though since each of these 6 great gods, they all were a part of a guild that conquered a castle raid. That is not something just anyone could do. Each of them had the experience to know how to get an enemy kill. 

"Where are you looking? The enemy's right in front of you." 

The god of wind said, with a downwards striking slash, cutting clean through the dragon's scales. Very nearly slicing to the bone. Though, as a tank, his attack was something left to be desired.

That said… Aside from the god of life, the other great gods all managed to kill one of these dragons. Changing the tide of battle. It had been 30 against 6 in a surprise assault. Now it was 24 against 7. And 1 of these 7 is beyond pissed. 

"Sister Nature, they said that some went to the settlement!" 

"I know, but they'll find it quite impossible to do anything there." 

"OH YEAH! The four we sent were all as strong as I am!" 

"Then I'm even less worried. You see, there's a thing… It's my most hated thing… Betrayal. But I don't think that's enough to explain the sheer anger I feel when gazing upon your form. I can't believe you made me go through all that effort to immortalize the fallen that day." 

The 6 great gods took a step back while the god of life prepared healing spells for everyone. 

"You see, when I'm angered, I'll give you a scolding, perhaps even raise the price on items I have for sale. But," 

Night Silver was shaking with fury. Sensing the abject anger within her aura, some of the dragons pissed themselves. For she was Mother Nature itself, the dragons angered nature itself. And thus they knew that very little could save them. 

"When you go so far as to betray your word and my trust… You make yourself my enemy in the worst way. You no longer deserve respect in my eyes. As you've made the worst mistake imaginable. I'm way past angry, past pissed, past furious… I'm absolutely livid."

Night Silver's eyes flashed a cold deathly glare. Summoning Nature's Lightning killing another dragon completely unfeeling… 

"Sister Nature says our people are safe. So let's send these dragons to hell! Every single one we kill today is one less we need to deal with in the future!"

"Attack plan 7?"

"Yes, I'll take the lead, Life, keep everyone alive. Everyone else, show these dragons no mercy!" 


Night Silver's brow twitched. 

"Sister water…"

Night Silver's head cocked to the side with a terrifying smile. 


"You heard that right? I'm going crazy?" 


"Good," Night Silver chuckled with bloodlust. "Sounds like someone signed their own death warrant… Nature's capture!" 

A cage of earth and wood trapped the idiot dragon. It was a cage that completely restricted the movements of the dragon. And if that wasn't enough A heightened gravity spell had been placed just under the dragon. It was the one that kept the Dragon Emperor from moving. 


"I'm about to inflict maximum pain upon you bastards." 

And so, a druid began a melee with dragons. Some would call it foolish, but she felt incredibly powerful. She knew that she was avenging her murdered kin. While defending the ones who had managed to survive to the day. 

"I feel more than twice as strong as normal… Perhaps, this class I earned… Hmm, This is quite something. But I can't focus on that for now. I must kill and kill fast. I sense another one coming. And that one is worthy of the dragon's name sake." 

One dragon made a mad dash , flying with their mouth wide open. 

"You're going to make it difficult… Actually I can detoxify anything… Heh, heh."

Just as the Dragon was about to chomp down on Night Silver… She stood straight up bracing herself, keeping the dragon from closing its jaws. One arm had been raised to prevent her from getting a headache. And also to protect her beautiful hair. Something she was keenly particular on at the moment. 

"AHh! Vut ah u doing! Let o!" 

"Awe, that's cute, can't speak properly can you? What's the matter, Cat got your tongue?"

The dragon smirked and moved its tongue in a way that rubbed right against Night Silver's, Delicate Spot… 

"You disgusting… OVERGROWN PERVY LIZARD! HOW DARE YOU VIOLATE ME LIKE THAT! 9th tier Poison touch, 9th tier Poison cloud." 

The upper part of the dragon's jaw was now filled with a deadly toxin. One so dangerous even to dragons. Simultaneously, the cloud spell had been timed just as the dragon was about to breathe in. Poisoning the dragon so rapidly it died a horribly painful death before even landing. 

"Siter Water… Once we're done with this battle you want to have that bath? I have some… Need of one now." 

"Pfft… No problem sister, let's enjoy a relaxing bath together later. We can do each other's hair and everything!" 

"Then let's kill these treacherous beasts. Don't worry about poisoning them either. I'll detoxify the meat and organs so we can chow down without any issue."

"Oh now that sounds like fun! A nice tasty dragon tail steak! Ahahahaha! It's hunting time." 

"That sounds delicious! Let's kill them all quickly. We can share the meat with the people! A dragon meat stew in bread bowls!" 

"Oh YEAH!" 

Night Silver and the 6 great gods went harder than before. A thunderous call here, and another over there. But… No matter how efficient they were. Or how pathetic the dragons of the new world were… They were still dragons, and thus survived until a beast of a monster showed up. One closer to the Dragon Emperor in size. Though their power was far less imposing. 

"That'll be enough of that right there." 

The new arrival stated matter of factly. 

"Is that so? And how are you going to make us stop? My kin were slaughtered by these bastards. I will have my revenge for all the lives they snuffed out." 

Night Silver floated there staring down the new arrival with a deathly glare. Neither of them were foolish enough to think the other was bluffing…