The First of the Fae

"This really is a good job, now we've got 5 dragon's worth of blood production." 

"The things we can make with this much of a supply is… Well, let's deal with that later." 

Night Silver dragged the dragon that called her a bitch, she had a special plan in store for that one. She stopped walking for a second… 

"You two, you didn't get the chance to play. You still want to help right?" 

The two pouty Earthen Elemental Lords excitedly perked up waiting for their orders. It was such a big change they almost looked like they had tails and floppy ears. 

"Pfft… Each of you pick up two of those and follow me."

The speed at which these two summons moved created whirlwinds. They didn't last long, but it was surprising nonetheless. 

"Hmm, I don't remember them being able to do that in the game? Also, how long are these babies going to remain summoned for? I'd like to keep them around forever… But I doubt I'd be that lucky. Unless… Can I make treants that work in similar ways? I doubt that the dragons are going to just sit back and let us continue to live in peace. Or at least… Not forever anyway."

Night Silver and the summons went far away and dug extra deep underground. So far that it was impossible to tell there would be anything there from the surface. She quickly went to work in creating an underground lab of sorts. 

One side of the underground space had what amounted to prison cells. Enough of them that if the need for expansion arrived, Night Silver could expand her operation with little difficulty. She pet the elementals gently and directed them to store the living dragon's inside the cells. 

"It's coming together quite nicely. For now, I'll focus on making wine and then do other experiments later. Hmm, I should also find a suitable place to set up a larger operation in the future. We will see in time." 

Night Silver expanded the underground space, making good use of her gravity magic, to compact and strengthen the walls, floors, supporting pillars and the like. This wasn't just a random place, this was one of the places she would spend a lot of her private time.

"I should make a large bath here too. Ah! Screw it, let's make it a woman's escape. A nice spa!"

Again, Night Silver made many changes to the underground space. Using a combination of her spells she managed to make an underground fixed temperature hot-spring. One with more magic that regulated the air temperature and moisture. 

At the one end, there was a line of fruit bearing trees. That's right, someone can grab a fruit and munch on it while in a bath large enough to really stretch out and move around. 

"I wonder how Sister Water is going to react. Oh, I should make sure that the dragon's whines of agony can't reach this place… And done." 

Night Silver looked at her summons and noticed they were starting to disappear. She was saddened by this but opted to keep a smile. 

"I never liked it when the summons I brought forth disappeared on me. But, for some reason it hurts my heart more in this world."

Just then the Elementals seemed to notice this feeling within their summoner. The 3 Earthen Elementals seemed to think about what they could do. Nothing came to their minds. 

On the other hand, fire, water and air all had different ideas. Water and air's elementals had an idea they wanted to try. Fire on the other hand, was already trying their own thing but it failed miserably. 

"Go ahead, I know you don't want to leave me. Do what you feel you must even if you change into something else, it won't change how thankful I am for you." 

The Oceanic and Breeze Elementals teamed up into pairs. The others watched curiously as the pairs of elementals started a synchronization of sorts. At first it looked like everything was going smoothly but something was preventing them from combining completely. It had been too long… 

"I wonder… Triple Summon Nature's Ally 10th." 

A circle brimming and overflowing with a natural energy appeared beneath the pairs. This was siphoning away Night Silver's Magic like a voracious beast.

"This is a lot. I can feel my mana depleting faster than it's recovering, but… It's still going to last quite awhile. I hope these babies can finish their idea with this help." 

With the energy the pairs of elementals needed, being supplied now, the combination continued in earnest. After a few minutes, there was a cool salty breeze and a flash of light coming from three separate sources. 

Once the light faded, there floated a humanoid shaped creature. Their ears were long like Night Silver's, however their bodies were small. In fact they looked like Fae creatures. Small but powerful. Even still there was a massive loss in their total power. From two low 90s to a single lvl 70 or so… It was a stark loss in power. 

"Mother nature! Don't worry…"

"Yeah, mother nature! Don't worry…"

"We're weaker now, but we can always grow stronger again!" 

The three little Fae creatures giggled and laughed. Each claiming a small spot of real estate to land on Night Silver's chest. 

"But more importantly, we can stay with our mother forever and ever now!" x3

The Fae creatures started nuzzling up to Night Silver all cute like. This made the other elementals, well, they were clearly a mix of shy and nervous. 

"You're too adorable. But don't do too much down there that would make those ones more shy and nervous." 

Night Silver giggled, petting the fae heads with a gentle finger.

"Mother, they can combine like us two, right?!" 

"Of course, if that's what they want. I'd love to see how cute they become." 

Hearing those words, the remaining elementals paired up. And a similar event occurred where Night Silver expended her mana to help them form a singular combined form. This time, an intense heat radiated through the earth, Solidifying the rock and soil into a concrete type of mixture. And a burst of a furiously purple flame blinded the room. Though to Night Silver, it was merely a simple dim light. 

The light disappeared and three more fae creatures appeared. This time they seemed to be slightly more masculine than the first three. But that didn't change their very next move. And soon all 6 of the newly born fae were resting on Night Silver's chest. 

"You're all just… So adorable!" 

Night Silver loved this, there were two reasons why she chose the path of the druid. One was to see nature up close. Something that was only a fantasy in her world. And the second reason was all the cute little creatures. 

"Now we can watch those dragons more closely." 

"Hmm… I was planning on taking you away from here. Or summoning more to help guard this place. Those dragons, while weak compared to me. I feel you'd be in a bit of danger in your new forms. But I'll be returning shortly with your aunty. Please keep this place safe in the meantime. You can have as many of the berries as you want to help your training. But do try to not break anything." 

"Yes, Mother!" x6

The fae floated up, freeing Night Silver for teleportation. "Greater teleportation" She disappeared from the underground lair.