The screams echoed through the forest, even after Ridjurd and his green haired partner were far gone they could hear it.

On hearing the screams he couldn't control himself any longer. Ridjurd clenched his fist out of anger as he stopped suddenly in his tracks. His green haired friend stopped as well, panting hard and turned around only to see Ridjurd in tears.

"We have to go " He said,

"Linuk" Ridjurd said,


Limits shush Ridjurd as he listened carefully, with his cat like ears turning from one direction to another.

"Their not close but it won't take long before they catch up to us"

Linuk said as he turned to Ridjurd who had a sour look on his face.

"Linuk go"

Ridjurd said and Linuk was taken back by his words.

"What! " He exclaimed,

"I've lost so many tonight(He said as he sat down on the ground) I don't want to loose you too" Ridjurd said, and Linuk was angered by his words and it shows on his face. He growled like and animal showing his canine.

"Why do you think they died " He yelled,

"They died to protect you"

"They died to make sure you survived because you are our people last hope of survival "

Linuk yelled,

"You know if it was up to me I would do the same"

He said lowering his voice,

"You know what" Ridjurd said and continued,

"No more sacrifices, no more having to watch those around me die to protect me"

"I can't take it" Ridjurd said in tears,

"Their hope is for you to survive and fight alongside us and that's what gives us hope" Linuk explained,

"Maybe hopes just a lie"


Not far from their present location, dark, furry creatures with red eyes sniffing around assive searching for something.

"They've gone this way"

One of the wolves said turning to a specific direction.


they howled all at once and ran through the direction heading heading straight for Ridjurd and Linuk.


Linurk hearing the howls,

"Common Ridjurd we have to go no" He yells,

"You know it's sorta funny" Ridjurd said cleaning the tears from his eyes.

"The story of 11 warriors who went for the attack but only 1 will return" Ridjurd said, sounding like a crazy person.

"And that one will be you let's go"

Linurk yells,

"Go without me" Ridjurd said still seated on the ground.

"I can't leave you what will I tell them" Linurk asked.

"Tell them about a warrior who was happy to die by the sides of his friends and comrades " Ridjurd said,

"Stop trying to play the hero and let's go"

Limits yells already sensing the wolves presence in the area, but Ridjurd remained silent.

"You don't realise that if you die their sacrifices means nothing "

Limits yells,

Ridjurd hearing his words stands up from the ground and Linurk smiled showing his canine, happy he has gotten into his friends stubborn head or so he thought.

Ridjurd stepped forward towards Linurk placing his hand on his chest, leaning forward to Whisper in his ear.

"Good bye old friend" Ridjurd said,

Then his hand on Linurk chest face off a type of purple glow and with one small push. Linurk shot backwards like a bullet into the dark woods far from Ridjurd.

Then his ears stood in alert, with immediate effect he turned around raising one of his hand and catching the jaw of a dare wolf.

He stood holding the dare wolves has completely shut,


It growled at him with.......hatred and anger.

Ridjurd didn't waste time and struck the wolves head on a nearby tree,it shattered and the wolves fell to the ground dead.

Then the rest of the wolves arrived at his location and as another jumped towards, Ridjurd body gave off a dark purple glow.

He struck the ground with his hands so hard it created a shock wave sending the waves flying away from him.



Linurk who was already on his way heard the massive sound. He turned around looking at the side it originated from.

"good bye friend"

He said with a sad look on his face as he went.


The trees in the area had fallen, cracks going through and across the ground as Ridjurd stood in the middle of destruction.

Despite that, the wolves began to surround him from all sides as he stood in place, ready to fight.

"What do we have here" one of the wolves spoke,

"His the magic user" Another responded,

"If that's the case he won't live to see tomorrow " The wolves sneered and growled at him.


Ridjurd growled as he stared at them as they circled him from all directions.

"if I die"

"you are all coming with me"

Ridjurd said and his eyes colour changed completely to purple.