Edna and Arjurd held unto the tree, suddenly feeling the pressure reduce drastically. Enon let out a sigh of relief as he regained his composure, letting go of the tree and his facial expression went dull.

"Here they come"

Enon said, with hope thier plan would work well.

They watched from their hiding place as dozens of the 4 legged creatures, raced from the trees and stood before the warriors.

The beasts growled and growled at them,


"warriors!!!" The clan chief yelled in anger, seeing the faces of the beast that murdered his son.



"O!!" They yelled,

"This is for you my son"

The clan chief said, raising one of the spare and without a second thought, launching it at them.

The spare flew across the air and struck a Dare wolf in the head killing it instantly.

The speed and precision of the throw was shocking enough to frighten them if they didn't have number advantage.

Enon and Arjurd watched from behind the trees both shocked by the throw.

"For an old man he still got it"

Enon said shocked and surprised at the speed of the throw.

The attack caught the wolves off guard and with one of them down, they others howled.


They howled,

Without further delay they charged at the warriors all at once as each of the wolves carried killing intents in thier eyes.

Yet, Linurk and the warriors stood in place unshaken as the wolves furiously charged towards them.


Enon said with his gaze fixed on the wolves and his lips curved into a devilish grin. His expression was frightening, and with the grin made him look fetish.

The wolves ran and as it got to a point, the ground underneath most of them especially those at the front sank. Like the ground sunk in and they fell into a deep hole of pointed spares impaling them as they landed at the base.

Immediately the wolves stopped, as more and more of them plumited to thier death as they fell into the pit.

This was the opportunity they've been waiting for,

"ATTACK!!!" The clan chief yelled,

The warriors ran towards the wolves ready give everything they had and Slaughter began.


"It worked"

Enon said with a smile on his face, he turned to Adjure who raised 2 of his finger initiating Number 2.

"Yes time for phase 2"

Enon said as he and Arjurd hurried away from the tree, going for phase 2.

The warriors were in a heated battle. Linurk held 2 spares in his hands and he threw, stabbed and sliced through the Dare wolves. The clan cheif displayed effortless, strength, speed and agility with incredible aim. He threw spares, which were accurate, dodging attacks fr the dare wolves and countering it,either going for thier head or stomach.

As he fought them, killing up to 3 almost every 45 seconds. One snuck up on him from behind, it did not growl but tool its time getting closer and closer to make the strike.

Not so far from him was a warrior fighting, the determination on his face showed his willingness to fight and die. The warrior had a particular passion for fighting, he stabbed a Dare wolf, killing it instantly. One jumped towards him from the side and his response was fast, he immediately threw his spare at the wolf. The spear was quick intercepting the wolf in mid air and entering into its head and it fell to the ground lifeless. He didn't wait at all, he ran towards his weapon.

Only half way to his weapon a wolf leaped at him, seeing him weaponless. It didn't stop him still as he ran, he went on his knees, sliding directly under the wolf dodging it completely.

After by passing the wolf, he went on his feet without hesitation, pulling out the spear from the wolf corpse and stabbing the back of the wolf which attacked him earlier.

As he fought, killed and slayed any any wolf in his sight. Something got his attention as he drew his spare from the dare wolf. His eyes widened in shock seeing a Dare wolf getting closer and closer sneaking up on the clan chief.

"Master Radjar" He yelled,

The Clan chief, hearing his name in the midst of battle turned to the warrior. Noticing him pointing at the direction behind him.

Radjar eyes widened in shock as he turned around to see a dare wolf in mid air at eye level,with its mouth wide revealing multiple dagger like teeth's. There was no way he could kill it with his spare, not enough time to react and he isn't the mighty warrior he once was.

On instinct, he bent his head forward rapidly. Headbutting the wolf with the skull helmet he wore on his head and it fell to the ground dead. The warrior stood, amazed by the scene he just witnessed. But at the same time letting his guard down.

A wolf snuck up to him from behind using its sharp claws to slash his legs.


He screamed in pain as he went down on one knee.

Before he knew what was going on his head has already severed from his body with his eyes widened I'm shock as the world slowly went dark.

Radjar stood in shock seeing one of his warrior's head rolling on the floor towards him. Seeing the head of his warrior caused an explainable burst anger to surge from within him.


He growled breathing heavenly, fuming with rage,gripping his weapon tightly in his hand and he went on a killing spree.