While the battle raged on, in the forest isolated from the village a hut was standing. Inside the hut was a girl with ash hair, cat like ears and a tail. She laid on the ground, fast asleep with a spare in her hand.

Mona fell asleep a couple hours ago, she is completely oblivious to what is going on. Outside the hut, a dark figure ran passed the front of the hut swiftly.

It shook the bushes,


Rustling sounds of the bushes were heard, luckily it was enough to wake her up from her sleep. Mona opened her eyes slowly to the strange sounds coming from outside the hut, she stood herself up and yawn, stretching her body and sitting back down to the ground.


She itched her eyes and started looking around, confused.

"This isn't home" She said still sleepy and feeling drowsy.


The howls of wolves were heard, the howls snapped her out of her dizzy state. Her eyes widened, she snapped her head to the left and right recognizing and finally remembering where she was.

Mona body shook as shivers of fright crawled down her spine.

"The wolves" She said frightened,

Mona gaze shifted to the ground, seeing a spear like the ones her brother and the warriors use and like a bombshell, the memory of Arjurd dropped into her mind. Remembering all the things that things that happened between them her heart raced once again. She didn't understand, but she was alot more frightened by Arjurd than the wolves.

"The spear"She said,

She Went on her knees and picked up the spear. The memory of her wanting to use it on Arjued flowed in as well.

Mona shook off the feeling of guilt in her mind, remembering her fathers words to her.

"How could I have been so selfish"


The howling of the wolves she keeps hearing got her scared. She didn't understand anymore,

"I shouldn't have stayed"

"I shouldn't have been so stubborn"

Mona went down on her knees, placed the spear down beside her knee. She placed her both hands together, closed her eyes and began to pray.

"Gods of the land"

"We've prayed for the survival of our people for the longest time(tears began to flow down her cheeks)

"We've made countless sacrifices to ensure our safety as we stay under your divine rule"

She said as memories of her late brother flooded her mind and she cries.

"We....we've..." She stutters,

"We've kept up our own part to praise and not doubt your rule and existence but please I ask for this one thing.....fulfill the promises you made to pur ancestors long ago " She says,

"To deliver us, to save us, protect us and lead us into a greater tomorrow with no suffering, no more sacrifices and no more sorrow"

"Send unto us the god who will take us far beyond the forest, beyond our misery, beyond this realm to the heaven where we shall prosper"

"Please" She pleas desperately, crying for help.

"So shall it be" She says ending her prayer.

Mona sat down on the ground, raising her hands to clean her tears. She has hope that something will happen, if not tonight, maybe tomorrow or maybe the day after that. Maybe even after she's grown old and died but she believed thier saviour will come and the promises from long ago will be fulfilled.

As she sat down alone in tears, just like Linurk's ears stood straight hers did the same, hearing rustling sounds from outside. Mona froze in place like a statue as the rustling sounds became footsteps.

"Arjurd" She wispered, the one time she said his name correctly.

The footsteps got louder and louder as the unknown figure crept closer and closer to the hut.

"Even if it's Adjure would he even respond" Mona said inwardly holding unto the spear. She stayed still and made no sudden movement, the foot steps got louder and louder as the figure got closer to the hut. Mona held the spear and pointed directly at the entrance of the hut for defense. She doesn't know how it works but managed herself, willing to survive.

Suddenly the sounds of footsteps died down and she could no longer hear them. Her breathing heavy as she listened with her ears, only hearing howls of wolves far from her. Her cute ears turned to the right, hearing the cool night breeze shaking the bushes around the hut.

Mona slowly dropped the spears having this safe feeling that the danger has past.


She sigh

"Everything is gonna be alright"

She said to herself, placing her hand on her chest, feeling her heart racing. She was scared, more than anything she could ever imagine.

Just as she thought her nightmares were over, her sensitive ears stood straight. Her eyes widened and suddenly a monstrous beast head popped in through the curtains growling with blood red eyes.

She was frightened, forgetting her current and situation, before she could even scream out for help. The Dare wolf struck her face with its front paw, her head struck the wooden wall of Arjurd's hut. Her ears were ringing as blood flowed from her head, down to her eyes.

It growled at her furiously, opened it mouth showing its dagger like teeth,about to go for the kill. Mona head was ringing as a terrible headache set in as more tears rolled down her cheeks, she did not want to die.

With the headache came flashes of memory, it was Ridjurd when they were still so young he used his gifts to scare the Dare wolves away from her. His smile set into her mind,

"It must have been hard on him"

"Being our village so much weight and responsibility on him, he always told me how I'm lucky, he never got to act like a kid even even being so young he behaved twice his age"

"He fought and trained hard never truly got a break and..............I can't just count hour many times he had saved me, it was like no matter how hard I tried I was always a magnet for trouble and he was always there"

"But.....His no longer here to protect me, his gone. I won't stop, he would want me to fight and keep living, he would want me to do whatever it takes to survive"

"I won't die this night"

Holding on the little bit of sanity she had, she opened her eyes seeing wolves mouth wide opened, with its tongues stretched out. She was drowsy and seemed like the world around her was spinning, revolving faster than she could handle. Mona hands reached for the spear right beside her, she held unto it as tight as she could. With every every muscle, bone and energy in her body, the act of sheer survival was something to be reckoned with. She raised the spear and with a bit of luck on her side the spear stabbed the wolf's throat, crushing its wind pipe with a singe stab.

The wolf froze as its cold deadly gaze fell on Mona while was still dazed. It didn't move lile it was frozen still, as the glow in its eyes began to fade and its body shook one last time and it fell to the ground motionless, dead.

Mona was shocked by her action,

"I did it" She said,


Before she could celebrate, her vision turned blurry and laid on the ground and lost consciousness.