CHAPTER 35: Together Forever.


Shivers of fright ran down the girl's spine, especially Nina. She had never her father scream her name in that manner before, it was frightening. They stopped in their tracks as if being too afraid to move forward.


Neo voice was heard again, this time louder than before. Nina wanted to turn around but Mona held her in place.

" What are you doing" She wispeered,

" But what if he's seen us" Nina whispered back to Mona,

" You don't know that he's just assuming"

Mona said to her,

" Ninaa come down this instant" Neo voice is heard again louder than before.

Mona shakes her head telling Nina not to respond, but as the good girl she is she couldn't disobey her own father.


She yells out and mona immdeiately raises her hands, covering her mouth.

" I'm going count to 10" They heard,

" If you are not down here before the count of 10, you won't like what i'll do to you" Neo yells.