Who Dies of a Cold

"You visited me? Do you need anything?" Meara asked with small bells ringing on the tone.

Obviously, this young concubine is very happy. She looked a bit messy with her damp hair unkempt but her cheap cotton cloth looked fine.

"No. The last time I checked, this part of the property was still mine. So I can go wherever I want, right?" He looked at Mr. Milton and said, "Let's go."

“Of course, I didn’t mean anything by it. I'm sorry.” Meara humbly apologized even if the general didn't look back at her.

Theron's face is a little sullen. Of course, he knows that these two were outcasts in this place. But to ask your concubine to call you "master" doesn't sit right with him.

“Are… are you going already, Master?” Meara hurried towards Donne but was ignored. When she realized he didn't plan to talk to her as he exited the wooden gate, she faced Calla and Theron instead.

"Both of you were supposed to be back the day after tomorrow, why are you here? And you brought more materials, thank you so much!”

Donne heard Meara ask from behind as he walked away.

"My ladyyy," Calla answered woefully, "I was so scared you might catch a cold!"

“Silly girl.” Meara smiled at Calla before facing Theron

"You too. How did you guys end up going here together?”

"Saw a few more bamboo sticks along the mountains yesterday. I cut and brought them today to reinforce your house." Donne heard Theron answer. Not admitting that he is also worried.

The butler knows Donne was eavesdropping because his walk was unusually slower than normal. After Theron's answer, his master's walk sped normally.

"Master, shall I stop the mistress from seeing other people?" Mr. Milton asked with uncertainty.

"No. Just make sure of that hunter's purpose. That is, to deliver meat."

'So he means Theron can still visit the little courtyard… right?' Mr. Milton concluded in his heart.

Donne means Theron shouldn't be here just to visit his concubine. He may not like her but he also reminded Meara before that she is exclusively his.

"Have somebody fix the roof of that house immediately. I don't want that concubine dying on me."

"Yes, my lord." The butler answered immediately.

'Who dies of a cold?' The butler pondered silently.

Calla went in and found the pitiful condition of their house. She looked back at Meara who went in after her and was followed by Theron.

However, Meara made one wrong step and she slipped into the mud. A warm and strong arm enveloped her waist immediately and kept her from falling.

In one swift move, just that arm lifted her and put her down on a dry patch of soil inside the house. Her arms held onto his arm.

Theron immediately let go once Meara was stable.

"Whoops! Haha yeah, that ahmmm a lot of mud around, be careful."

The three cleaned up the house. Theron helped finish the remaining walls to be replaced.

After an hour, the three were silently resting on the bamboo bed outside the house after Calla dried it with a clean rag.

Meara and Calla were gathering rose petals again for the potpourri since the house reeks of soil smell. Theron is lying on his back with his arm at the back of his head, used as a pillow.

Theron suddenly asked something that's been bothering him since morning.

"You call him master?"

"Huh? Oh! Yes... No… Yes…?” Meara paused. After two minutes of assessing, she decided to tell him honestly about her situation to him.

“Okay since you're a part of this exclusive trio now, you can't say anything about this to anybody!" Meara reminded him.

"I don't have any friends. So yeah sure."

"Don't be so proud of that. That's sad." Calla interrupted.

"Turns out instead of a third wife, I settled in as a concubine because I think he doesn't like me. His family bought me. More like my father, who doesn't love me, sold me, and is now off somewhere to another kingdom. I was bought, therefore I am his slave, he is my master. I have an unusual mark you see. So he thinks I can cause misfortune. Good thing they also believe I can help for his vitality replenishment so here we are." She swept aside her bracelet and showed her mark.

"That's sadder," Theron said.

Calla gave him a stink eye.

Meara stood up and reached for Theron's hand with both hands and held it firmly with her eyes closed.

Theron, who was initially surprised, let her do her thing when he felt something pleasant and a calming feeling rushing through his body.

'Wow is this what it feels to receive essence?'

He grew up with men. His master who taught him how to hunt is also a man. His mother and father died when he was 2 years old during a terrible accident while on a hunt. His grandfather and uncle were the ones who were with him growing up and were now also dead. Now he's all alone in his house.

"How was it?" Meara asked after finishing the transfer.

"I feel… renewed… Refreshed? Wow…" Theron answered in a daze.

"That's my ability." She put her finger in her closed mouth telling him to shush about this.

"I can always give you some in the afternoon. My reserves are almost always refilled by then."

"It should have something to do with your unusual marking. Don't think it's bad. It's also pretty. It shouldn't be regarded as a curse." He replied while nodding.

"By the way, do you know of anybody selling black amethyst? I need it for my experiment. I found a recipe to create liquid essence from blood." Meara remembered that she needed to start with her experiment as soon as possible. This can help Donne if it is successful.

"Nobody that I can think of at the moment. I will ask around. Umm, wait. Isn't that like a forbidden practice? I mean, anything that uses human blood is taboo right?"

"So I was right. I was also thinking the book should be a forbidden one too.” Meara recalled the recipe in the forbidden book.

From afar they can see the butler approaching the gate. They waited for him to reach them. He hesitantly looked at Theron. Meara noticed this.

"Is he… is he banned from helping us?"

"No, my lady. The general just—"

"Sir, does the general want to remind me that I am here to sell games? Please do not worry. I just helped them. But I am still welcome here right?"

"Yes, of course. And the general thanks you for your help. Also," He looked at Meara, "I arranged for three men to fix the roof. They'll be here in an hour and will start in your bedroom areas."

"That's great!" Meara clapped.

Mr. Milton left.

Theron, who feels very refreshed and calm, stood up as well.

"Do not worry. I already expected this. Despite our innocent relationship, the general will be wary since you are his woman and I am an unmarried man."

Theron asked them to follow him around back. The two, dumbfounded, still followed and found the unusual section of the wall when Theron pointed it out to them.

"If it comes to a point that I am banned from visiting, you can always allow me to go through here."

Theron showed them the secret service gate.