Entrance Ceremony I


"No matter how you look at it, this is pretty crazy, huh."

I mumbled as I peeked out of my window. Looking at this fantastical place, I can't really get used to this sight. Though, this should be my second year now here in Saint Ilse. I mean what part of the sun having five black objects surrounding it normal? None, right? Is it just me? Hopefully, no.

"Well, whatever. Time to prepare breakfast for my lovely little princess. Kehehe." I sound creepy. I know.

Sweeping back the curtain closed, I headed down for the kitchen. The cold knob of the door. The stairs. And straight to the fridge.

"Kinda cold today, huh… On what degree Celsius are we?..." I suppressed the urge to hug myself as I reached inside the ref. "Bacon! hmm. Her favorite." I nodded to myself.

I took the bacon and whisked the egg. Toasted some slices of bread and put some milk in a glass. Fried the egg together with the bacon. The oily aroma of the food whipped around the air, straight to my nostrils. Not bad. This easy cooking method suits me really well.

"Yep! Almost ready. Now, the salad…" I teared some greeny leaves and sliced some ripe tomatoes. "Alright, perfect."

Green vegetables leaves with red tomatoes are just beautiful. Everything in table is in place.

"Now, time to wake the sleeping beauty."

Seeing as what needed is in the table, I headed for the stairs then knocked at the door of the room that was next to mine.

"Sofy… heeey, Sofy. Time for breakfast."

Yep. And I was met with silence…

"No response, huh. Fine then. Your brother will enter your room now, lass. Don't blame me for anything, 'kay?"

I twisted the knob of her door and slowly opened it, making a light creaking sound. Her room was always open for times like this. Not that she'd ever need a lock since it's just the two of us living together. Silencing my steps, I went near her. Reaching for her shoulder, I shook her body lightly.

"Heey… breakfast is ready. You'll be late, you know?"

I leaned forward, whispering in her ears.


Just as expected. There's no way this girl would wake up later than me. If her grinning's not the proof, I dunno.

"Jeez. If you're already awake, why don't you just go down the kitchen. You silly girl."


She held her forehead for where I flicked her and then let out a cutesy pained voice. Though, I know it didn't hurt since I just basically tapped her rather lightly. Still, I have to indulge this smirking girl.

I gave her a smile.

"Come on, get out of the bed now."

"I dun wanna. So cold, I can't… brother, carry me…pwease."

"No matter how cute you try to make yourself, I will not carry you."

"Pretty please…?"

Now she's doing her baby talk combined with a "abandoned puppy" eyes…and she's actually tearing… How am I supposed to win against this cutesy attack?! Ah, damn it! I heaved a sigh.

"Okay, okay. I get it."

I wonder if I spoiled her too much?

I knelled down in front of her—my back facing her. I'll carry her in a piggy-back as we usually do.

"Yay! I win again today!"

"Hey. Your true intentions are leaking, you know."

"Hehe. I know!"


I let out another sigh. A third one for the start of the day. Well it's not that I hated this. And this much for us is pretty everyday occurrence. Nothing's really new… Except for this unfamiliar sensation on my back.

"Hey now, my dear Sofy… Are you by any means not wearing anything… underneath that pajama of yours?"

Sofy and I are a year apart and me as an older brother. BUT! I am already 16 and she will, too, this year! And thus, you should know what I am talking about! Even as her brother, her mountainous blessings are way bigger than your average treasures… and now you're telling me, she's not wearing anything under her sleeping clothes?

And the poking sensation on my back must be her bo...boo...boo—

"Brother you… pervert…"


Cutting my thoughts, Sofy leaned forward and whispered, letting such pleasant voice enter my ears. Though, the content could be hardly said as pleasant.

I can't see the face she is making right now. Even still, I'm absolutely sure how much of a smile she is making… I'm aware that my face is so damn red. If I faced her now, I'll die from her relentless teasing.

Ugh, and I call myself her brother. I know. And I'm ashamed.

"Stop teasing your brother, please!"

"Hee hee hee. You naughty, you."

"Hmph! What brother in his right mind would get turned on by his little sister?"

There's one right here...

Really, what am I to do with her?

When she acts so free spirited like this, it almost makes me forget that she, Sofia Stasis, is one of the holder of the strongest ability here in Saint Ilse.

(Sofia Stasis, age 15; Ability rank; SSR

Ability type: Seraphim {Archangel Gabriel}.)

Then, changing the topic was her growling stomach.

"By the way, brother what's for breakfast?"

"Hmm. Oh, bacon."

"Yaaaay! Brocon!"


See? It makes me forget that she was actually an SSR ability user. Well, for me Sofia Stasis was just a spoiled little princess.


It's only 7:45 in the morning. And since today was the entrance ceremony for the new and upcoming students, the school starts at 9. Thus, we still have time to eat as slowly as we want. Also, from where we live, the school is basically our neighbor. You can even see it if you peeked outside our window.

"You stayed late again last night?"

Sofy asked, brows almost combined. She was happily chomping on her bacon, but I guess she won't let me pass by this time.

"Hmm? Ohm."

I tried playing it off, so I just nodded nonchalantly in affirmation. A bread hanging on my mouth.

"You can tell?"

"Of course, I can tell! How long do you think we're siblings?! Besides, even if I'm not your sister—which will probably never gonna happen—I would still know! You have bags under your eyes you know. And your eyes look deader than it was usually."

She hissed. Uwaa, she's quite angry.

"Deader? What's with that? Ahaha."

"Don't laugh! Geez, brother, this is why everyone in the school is so harsh on you! Ah!"

She was going hot, but she still covered her mouth in surprise—as if realizing that she said something she shouldn't have. Personally, things like that, I don't really care. But maybe for Sofy it was a big deal? The difference in perspective perhaps?

"You don't need to worry about that, you know. It doesn't bother me, really."

"But still, I…"

Do I really look like someone who's being bullied to her? A person feed as an isolated boy at school? Well, part of it was true but I don't mind, that really. And I never want her to be sad about that.

"Besides, as long as I have you, nothing really matters."

I smiled at her, trying to console her sour mood. Or what I thought I was doing. To my chagrin, she was more than the little girl I thought she was.

"I know. After all, you are a major siscon. And you are a brother who gets turned on by his little sister's boobs." She said with a teasing grin.

"Oh, shut it, you! I said that was not the case!"

"Hee hee hee."

"I said shut it!"

Damn it. This has become a major problem. As her brother, that is.

But well, as long as I can see her smile like this nothing really mater. Yep, nothing at all.

Still, I can do nothing but to sigh with her mischievous personality.