Tokugawa Shinra's Resolve

That night after Gleren confronted Shinra—

Coming from the outside, I, Tokugawa Shinra, inserted the keycard and opened the front door to my apartment. A huge resident designated to me by the academy being one of its instructor. I flipped on the light as I walked in, illuminating the once dark room. I lingered at my entry to removed my shoes. I hung my jacket on the coat rack before the door to my living room. I then plopped down on the sofa, letting the soft sensation of its cushion to suck me in its embrace.

I pulled a stick out of my pocket and placed it on my mouth as the sofa bent under the weight of my body.

I don't smoke, so it was simply a chocolate stick to keep my tension at bay.

Today is a hectic day. A one to be remembered. Though, even when I try my hardest to forget, I doubt I would be able to. Not when even fot a second, my mind keeps pestering me to remember the incident.