Premonition Of Trouble I

They say that the essence of a school life lies beyond what can be learned during classes. This meant to say that one must experience everything while they can. Youthfulness and boldness build and opportunity, or so they claimed. Opportunity to improve; or maybe to grow. Or rather to snatch a romantic chance with opposite sex. Maybe they were pertaining to club activities? If so, then I'd really have no idea. I joined the 'go home club', after all.

Also, finding love through after school activities? Sounds like a huge scam to me.

The school ended up having no significant events, and the sky turned orange as the clock struck 6 p.m. Since most of the students had already left, the school's vast grounds are now practically deserted if not totally empty. I trekked at the entrance gate, accompanied by Claudia.

"No matter how you look at it, this isn't your normal Academy, is it?"