Maria's Enrollment

A quick question; what day was your absolute enemy?

The answer for this question was no-brainer. It's gotta be Monday!

If you've got a better day to hate, let me in about it.

Days went by and it's already my most hated day. These past two days, Claudia manage to thank miss Elle and now had moved to their permanent residence here in Saint Stella; which was provided by the Academy itself. Things are smooth sailing on the other side of the river.

Meanwhile, here I am, slothing in my seat, yawning my sleepyhead away. Reason? I didn't get enough sleep again last night. That anime Jin lent me was absolutely interesting, I ended up watching it all-night. I was caught and got scolded by Sofy, though. Remembering the face she made when she saw me still on it while the time already turned another day… yep, terrifying!