“You keep spinning me around and chugging my drink.”
“Of course, I forgot to tell you about the mobster like the one who took your girlfriend; what's more, I suspect it's the same one.”
“You're diluting me again if you say that happened a long time ago. How can it be that it's the same dog I'm going to kill and do the same thing he does to his victims? They say he kills them seven times.”
“I don't consider that it can be eliminated more than once, unless you revive it to finish it again.”
“Well, it's already late, and we still have some bottles left; better keep counting. Let's see what I can learn.”
“Ready then was Luisa, walking towards the school, feeling that she was being watched by something and listening as if a big dog was sniffing. She felt tree branches rustling behind her. When she turned her head, she saw nothing. Frightened, she tried to run until she was petrified when she saw a large shadow covering her horizon. She fell backward, looking at something inexplicable. It was a hairy being on two legs, with black skin that was only highlighted by red eyes, yellow fangs, and a white star on its forehead. She tried to scream and run or crawl uselessly, as terror invaded her. The beast pounced on her with nothing to do; Luisa only closed her eyes to avoid seeing how her life would end under its lethal and sinister jaws. She squeezed her eyelids in preparation for the inevitable, believing she was going to feel something similar to when Waterloo, a stray dog, bit her on the leg. She opened her eyes, turning her face to try not to see the monster, but instead she saw a blond boy grabbing the wolf by the wrists. He seemed to have the same strength as that beast, although the wolf was throwing bites that the blond was dodging with great difficulty. In those attacks, Luisa could see the face of her messiah; he looked like a real angel with his golden hair, ruby mouth, and blue eyes, as the sea looked in pictures, because she did not know him yet. The wolf attacked him furiously, ready to finish the fight as soon as possible, even attacking him with its hind legs and tail. Luisa breathed, trying to calm down. She rejoined. She considered running away but felt selfish. Likewise, she looked for a big rock and threw it at the monster. Although his terrible aim hit the hero in the leg, causing him to lose his concentration, the wolf sent him flying through the air. She didn't get to see if he fell or not because the furry avalanche was on top of her again. With great courage, she threw a fist as her father had taught her, causing the beast to smile and hurt her little hand. The wolf tied her up with a self-tightening chain and threw it over his shoulder. She screamed, cried, and also tried to bite him. She felt that they were moving faster than those crazy motorcycle cab drivers going into the forest. When she suddenly felt the werewolf let her go, she could see how he fell, spinning around while she crashed, perhaps against a tree. She came to her senses, realizing that her beautiful hero was untying her. She could see him in detail, his beautiful curls dancing in the wind until he was blown into the air to her left by a strong blow from the wolf's claw, which without explanation hit him without untying him. This time the beast ignored it—perhaps in the forest, he was sure—because his friends were nearby and there were no longer any humans. Although the truth is that the beast, already evaluating the situation, had to finish with that hero, or he would not let him fulfill his mission, besides that, he had already become a real nuisance. It charged him with its best bites, although it felt like an energy shield shielded it from damage. However, blow after blow seemed to weaken it, and in the end, it would be a fight of attrition. On the other hand, the hero felt that the fight was not going to have a happy ending, so he tried to remember an invocation to call his master or some power. However, the nerves did not let him think clearly; he felt the sticky saliva of the wolf that soaked him despite his shield, which made him remember how the rain in the north country wet his raincoat. They were needles of water that broke the endurance capacity of that fabric. Just as he was several times in his training, he almost perished several times, and if that had happened, his master would not even bother to bury him, just as he did with his many fallen comrades. How many were there—ten or twenty? I've lost count. It was hard with the first ones we made friends with in the barracks, and that's why I was sullen with the new ones afterward; I didn't want to have to mourn them when the training ate them up. So much suffering, but in the end he found a way to make it, so now he couldn't give up because of a simple, overdeveloped dog. He had overcome worse hardships; besides, the life of that girl depended on him. He remembered a spell that invoked a sword of energy, only that perhaps by doing so, his protective aura would disappear, something that would soon happen after receiving so many blows. She tried to focus and dodge the attacks. He sighed and invoked his glowing sword, throwing a slash at the wolf's neck, which he dodged, losing the tip of his left ear. The hero did not stop; he continued to brandish his weapon against his adversary. Who forcibly dodged while attacking, until some trees fell on the wolf, some of which were unintentionally cut by the powerful sword, thanks to the strange luck of the blond, which had always helped him to survive. Quickly, he lifted Luisa and started to flee. Frightened, they listened as the forest behind them thundered. Suddenly they came to a ravine, leaving them with the choice of fighting the beast again or jumping into the void. In an instant, from out of the shadows emerged the furious beast fuming from its mouth, which made him remember the portal summoning. He didn't know if he would have the energy to do so, and he thought he heard more roars approaching. With his options limited, he grabbed Luisa's hand and jumped down the cliff.”