The mountains shook, and the landscape turned multicolored as lightning, fire, and lights flashed across it. The cries of war and pain broke the silence. Although they were close to the village, the humans in that place saw it as a storm. As a storm, that night was very agitated and stained with tears. The only one who seemed to smile was that freak called Mancarita. She was making room in her belly to swallow Mr. Carl, and then it might also be possible that she would swallow that young woman, or it would be better for her because surely her tender meat would taste better. Plus, that would guarantee that she could not harm herself when she regained consciousness.

“You can't eat her!”, Carl shouted, “she has magical powers; you saw that she revived that wolf and improved his appearance.”

“I don't care what happened, the only thing I care about is inflicting pain. That's why I'll only eat their heads.”