
About a 100 or so feet behind Leon, the titanic abomination's eyes glinted with murderous intent as it took another step forward, reducing the gap between itself and Leon again, this time by 50 feet.

"I have no intention of prolonging this cat and mouse game. Cease your futile efforts and accept your fate obediently," it said. 

Each of Its words slapped Leon like a wall of pain, not only making him feel as if every inch of his nerves was stabbed by crystal shards, causing him immense pain and making him bleed from his seven orifices, but also attacking his consciousness with an irresistible force, one that no mortal could defy whether they were at the first level of early apprentice stage or at the last level of the late adept stage

A great sense of weakness washed over him. His piercing blue eyes started to fog up as he began to slip towards unconsciousness. His body wobbled, his vision dimmed, and it seemed like he would fall unconscious any moment nowwan"