A Way To Take Your Revenge


The façade of innate strength Zina exuded in the palace always wore off whenever she attended the Taga meetings. There, all her deceit and true longings were laid bare.

As she listened to the pain of the common people, she was always pit against the realisation that she was far too pathetic than them. Her mind that had always been a grainy mess since six years ago would choose that time to torment her.

Maybe you should die?

How could you live after what you did?!

No wonder your pack left you. At the end of the day, you're meant to be only alone!

No one wants you Zina!

Just die! Die and all this will be over!

Death? I am sure it will meet you when the man you pulled down comes back!

Will he come back?! Seeing how hard you try to restore his name and fame he will! And when he does your head will roll!