Fionna's POV

The heart beats on its own, for its own, and even against its own.


The carriage jerked as they made their journey to the gods' knows where. And while Fionna seethed from an anger so profound it could topple their carriage, Zina WolfKnight looked to be completely at ease.

The woman looked nothing like the girl Fionna liked to pick on when they were little. Back then, she was like a submissive puppy that was two kinds of blind; both blind to the world they were in and to the so-called affection she received from their Pack.

Now, she looked like a… powerful woman. In all the times that she had picked on her, Fionna never thought she would associate the scrawny Zina with the word 'power'. And yet, that was her current predicament.

Without thinking, her hands darted up to touch her neck to finger her pendant, but it wasn't there to be found.