The Worst Kind Of Witch


Six Years Ago;

Being a Theta meant that Zina had to know much about the lands that surrounded them since her role took on a diplomatic form. As such, Sybril had become a mentor and teacher, teaching her words that she herself could not see.

"The West operates a highly decentralised pack system. However, common decisions are made by the Seven Elders of the Witch Seers." Sybril taught her on a particularly sunny day of the sunlight that slapped her skin was anything to go by.

Zina frowned at that. "Seven Elders of the Witch Seers? They see visions like I do?"

Sybril chuckled. "They're not that kind of Seers, think of them as overseers. Just a bunch of seven people that pretend they can oversee the large expanse of the Iron Coast."

"Oh," Zina exclaimed as understanding dawned on her, "but why are they called 'witch'?"

"What do you think is a witch, Theta?" 

"People that can perform sorcery?"