Side Story 4: The Diamond Hostess


The day of the auction rolled in in a wrap of a terse atmosphere with promises of a resolution, in whatever form it would be.

The center of the auction seemed to be stones of varying types… even common stones whose elements had been altered to meet the crux of a rarity which was most coveted.

Jade from the South, Obsidian from the North, Diamonds from the East, and Sea Pearls from the West. Those were just the highlights for there were far too many stones being auctioned than just the central four, and among such stones was the inferior Onyx being auctioned by the popular merchant Kaliga.

All that heard about the merchant's item thought that maybe the man was running senile for while Onyx was hard to process indeed, its raw form could be found at about anywhere that possessed aging rocks which was the entirety of Vraga if more context were to be put into it.