In A Stranger’s Blue Eyes


Zina's journey back to the castle was one filled with so much frustration she feared she would combust from the force of it alone. She was so confused after her talk with Fionna, and she couldn't help but be submerged in a feeling of dread.

Did Fionna know the man or not? A better question could be whether she had met the man by chance? But why would she hide the man's involvement in the Red Sisters death. Provided, Fionna knew nothing of the threats that Daemon received and Zina was unable to reveal same. But still….

Zina sighed out loud, suddenly wishing more than anything to be on the comfort of her bed. She wanted to protect Fionna from the Red Sisters, but she could already see that she could do little in that department. At the same time she wanted to protect Daemon from this man who was threatening him horribly.