Choose Your Partner


"Oh I almost forgot. One person did bet on you."

Fionna drew back on hearing that. Not like she cared but she was curious, "someone did?"

"The Theta," the Sighter shrugged, like if not for anything, she should have figured that much out.

Fionna scoffed, crossing her arms before her as she shot a glare at the Dais where she was sure the woman responsible was currently sitting at.

"And what did she get on?" she asked roughly like the thought that Zina WolfKnight had done such a thing in the first place thoroughly pissed her off. And it did piss her off. Did the woman have nothing better to do with her time and money?

"She bet that you would definitely make it as Delta." The Sighter answered mechanically, unaware of the motions that she was going through.

Fionna scoffed even louder, "what does she think I am? Does she think I am incapable of making it as Beta?!" She huffed, feigning indignation.