The Light of Hope

Our heroes are working out a plan to infiltrate the lab.-A frontal attack is stupid, but we need to come up with a way to get through that minefield full of traps, Meteor Boy, Gale, what do you see? Fallen Red Ranger said, looking through his binoculars, changing the rays (X-rays, heat, etc.) to see if there are traps.-I don't see anything with my demonic vision either. -Devil Maiden answered, also observing the place.-Not even with my magic, what kind of technology can outwit hell and magic! -Bunny Queen V replied, impressed.-A technology beyond our understanding, Gale, report the situation. -Meteor Boy's hologram replied.-There are many aerial, ground and subway combat vehicles, plus several random traps that are generated on the ground, but the most dangerous are those Evil gates. -Gale answered, who, if he can see them with his vision, thanks to the Codex of Destruction.-Evil gate. -Fallen Red Ranger, Devil Maiden and Bunny Queen V exclaimed, not knowing what he said, but feeling that it could be a great threat.-It is an undetectable and invisible living portal that appears randomly transporting you to another dimension. -Meteor Boy answered.-I always end up getting trapped by those things all the time, they're unbearable. -Gale commented.-So they send you to an isekai all the time. -Fallen Red Ranger answered.-Only they don't give you a broken ability, they send you to several dimensions where you wouldn't survive a nanosecond. -Meteor Boy replied, leaving everyone horrified except Gale who is used to this.-And why were they sending you to those dimensions, Gale? -Devil Maiden asked.-In order to separate Gale from the group, basically he is the only being that can engage in hand to hand combat against the empress, so when he is in a group, the army always tries to take him out of the battlefield, when they have the opportunity. -Meteor Boy replied.-That's going to be a problem, if they take Gale away from us, we are dead..." Fallen Red Ranger answered, so he thinks of a plan until the light bulb turns on and added invoking a kind of military jeep (HMMWV or Humvee) armed to the teeth as if it were the vehicles of Death Race: "We can ride this vehicle as follows:>>Gale will go to the back to defend the rear, Bunny Queen V invokes General Snowball to take care of the turret, Devil Maiden is as co-pilot and Meteor boy's nanobot will take shelter in front to detect the traps.And because I am not your co-pilot, I am Bunny Queen V. You know, I can be more useful than her. -Bunny Queen V replied with the intention of standing next to her in an almost brash and haughty manner, summon General Snowball.-No, I need you in the center of the vehicle so you can compensate for the vehicle's blind spots. -Fallen Red Ranger replied.-Okay, if you say so, Fallen Red Ranger," Bunny Queen V replied and thought. -I hope it's not because you want that bitch by your side, when all this shit is over, I'm going to send you to hell, you fucking succubus shit.The two of them stare at each other menacingly. Snowball separates them and tells them to stop fighting.-What did I miss? -Snowball asks, Gale explains the plan, so he climbs into the turret.-I WANT A SUICIDE MISSION, I WANT IT TO START. -Snowball shouted, jumping with joy and bloodlust.-Suicide, no my general, EXTREME. -Fallen Red Ranger exclaimed as he mounted the vehicle and ordered. -Everyone to your positions this is for today, Gale download the codes from earth for when we are captured by one of those Evil Gate.-And when we get to the lab, what do we do? -Devil Maiden asked as they got into the vehicle.-We'll stay close to Gale at all times, God knows what the hell will be in there. -Fallen Red Ranger answered.-Perfect, I'm going to dock with your vehicle, Gale give him these artifacts. -Meteor Boy answered as Gale handed him the artifacts, which are like some kind of robotic worms that are inserted into his nostrils and explained. -These worms allow them to see what Gale can see.They are shocked and horrified to the point of vomiting from the army surrounding the lab, except for Gale, Meteor Boy and Snowball. Fallen Red Ranger's heart is beating fast, his hands and legs are shaking, his breathing is uncontrolled.-Don't worry, Fallen Red Ranger, if we're going down, we'll go down together. -I exclaim Meteor Boy, who speaks to him from the touch screen of the vehicle's control panel.Devil Maiden and Bunny Queen V give him a kiss on the cheek to comfort him.-Don't worry, soldier, at least you won't die a virgin. -General Snowball exclaimed.-All right, if you don't want to do it, Fallen Red Ranger. -Gale replied, acknowledging that it's okay to be afraid.-No, that's part of being a hero. -Fallen Red Ranger answered, but before he could start the vehicle, Meteor Boy interrupted him.-By the way, if you didn't take off your previous artifacts, don't take them off, that will help you to face the forces of the road, another thing put an artifact to the vehicle, so it can survive. -Meteor Boy answered while Gale dismounted and put a kind of plate that when attached to the hood of the vehicle, it deploys a kind of mass technology that covers the entire vehicle except them, to make it faster, stronger, more powerful and agile.-Bunny Queen V, put up a shield because the roar of the engine will make us an easy target. -I order Fallen Red Ranger who looks at the horizon concentrated and prepared for what is coming.She puts the shield of magic, he turns on the jeep, the roar of the engine draws the attention of the defenses of the road causing them to shoot all their artillery into the forest until it explodes, but the explosion leaves all those shots reflected back at them, so that later they get out of there down the hill, while they counterattack in the following way:General Snowball uses the jeep's turret to shoot everything in sight.Bunny Queen V summons her Bunny Faires (Fairy Godmother Bunnies that shoot bursts of magic lightning).In the passenger seat, Devil Maiden uses her devil blaster to annihilate the threats on the right.In the pilot's seat, Fallen Red Ranger does something particularly strange and incredible, inside his ranger helmet, he has toudou music playing at full volume, at the same time he has the left eye part with a screen that shows several vehicles that are to his left which he shoots with a kind of submachine gun (Uzi). In the right eye he has a screen that shows him the descent of the hill.Meteor Boy's AI deploys several laser weapons from the jeep that shoot towards the front and there are already several enemies that emerge during the descent of the hill.In Gale's case he defends the rear with his forearm cannon plus several slashing blasts with his sword with his other hand.The jeep jumps a root ramp so that it goes from ground mode to air mode, to continue vehicular combat in the sky. Fallen Red Ranger with an almost millimetric pressure evades the most lethal shots, but realizes that the shield is giving way so an Evil gate is heading towards them.-Gale prepares the earth code, we will enter an evil gate, the shield will not hold, activate your shield because we will enter an unknown dimension, Bunny Queen V lower your shield, once Gale puts his, just focus on the Bunny Faires, among other attack spells you have in your arsenal. -I exclaim Fallen Red Ranger as they follow his orders and enter the new dimension.Once they enter the dimension, everything is absolute darkness, some monstrous insectoids attack them, but Gale's shield protects them. Fallen Red Ranger puts his helmet on night vision, Devil Maiden uses his Devil vision, Bunny Queen V with her Bunny Sight, which General Snowball also has, and Gale activates his night vision. Neither short nor lazy, they continue to riddle the endless hordes of insectoids with all their power, moving throughout the dimension.-Portal ready, Fallen Red Ranger, let me know when you open it. -Gale exclaimed, annihilating several hordes behind him.-Not yet, I don't want any of those things to bring any infection or rare disease to the planet, I've had enough with the harvest. -Fallen Red Ranger exclaims, still shooting like crazy at the insectoids.-Then, I'll charge a spell to eradicate them all, so Gale will have room to open the portal. -Bunny Queen V. opined.-I hope that shitty spell doesn't kill us all. -exclaimed Devil Maiden.-And who do you think I am, I'm the most powerful and confident mahou shoujo in Japan to make mistakes like that. -Bunny Queen V exclaimed haughtily and arrogantly before Devil Maiden.-Yeah, sure, ask the poor humans you killed a while ago. -I exclaimed Devil Maiden causing Bunny Queen V to almost start crying, but this causes the side where it was supposed to be shooting to stop shooting, which causes all the insectoids to focus on Devil Maiden's side.-Listen to me well devil spawn, if you sow the seed of discord in this team again, once again I'm going to send you to heaven in HELL, I'll make it clear to you. -Gale exclaimed, brutally choking her almost to death, while looking at her with a murderous look, after this he let her go, so she starts shooting like crazy in the part that touches her and added communicating with them with telepathy. -I have failed to defeat her before she gets here, she failed because EvilKill set a trap for her, also Meteor Boy failed, Hiroki also failed and you also failed, that shows that we are only mortals because we can't save you all, the only way to redeem ourselves is to finish with EvilKill once and for all, any altercation or disagreement leave it in private, please.Devil Maiden and Bunny Queen V make peace so they continue with the fight. Hordes and Hordes fall before their eyes until they face what appears to be a giant insectoid, but Bunny Queen V is charged with a spell, as they move through the world, Fallen Red Ranger orders her to activate it, she recites the spell Bunny Light that illuminates the entire dimension annihilating the insectoids. Gale opens the portal to earth, returning to the path to the lab.Back on the ground, Fallen Red Ranger converts the jeep into ground mode, they continue to fight against various armored vehicles armed with ground, air, and subway drillers, along with multiple hidden traps that are appearing along the way. However, they are finding that it is costing them more to destroy them. Still, they don't stop, so the tougher vehicles use the slashing blasts of Gale's sword to destroy them instantly. In addition to killing the monsters that get in their way, as follows: Fallen Red Ranger makes a 180-degree turn, puts the jeep in rear-wheel drive to drive in reverse, in order to put Gale in front to annihilate the monsters in front. Gale's shield is cracking, Fallen Red Ranger spots an Evil Gate, so he makes another 180 degree turn to shift into original drive to head for the Evil Gate.-Bunny Queen V, activate a shield around Gale's shield as we enter the dimension. -I order Fallen Red Ranger so she does what I order her to do, activating the shield to enter the next dimension.When they enter this dimension, it turns out that this world on its surface is completely flooded with water, an endless ocean, but this was not an impediment for Fallen Red Ranger to change it to submarine mode, but there is no way to continue using the skills inside the submarine, fortunately there is a little peace so they decide to rest a little to rethink their strategy.-Meteor Boy, you think you can configure this ship so we can use this ship fortunately, we can take a break from so much action. -Fallen Red Ranger ordered.-Yes, I can do it, give me a moment. -Meteor Boy answered and began to alter the ship to maintain the same positions as in his jeep mode and added once finished. -He added, "Ready, that should be enough, just make your attacks through these controls that will absorb them and then become projectiles.However, the radars detect several unidentifiable objects approaching them. They look through the cameras, it turns out that they are some kind of monsters lovecraft type of the size of the ship, so Fallen Red Ranger, begins to maneuver to evade the shots of the monsters as well as their onslaught.After everyone gets used to the shooting controls, they continue with their hail of projectiles, until they are confronted by a giant octopus from hell itself. Fallen Red Ranger orders Gale to charge a projectile with his energy so he can finish off the monster, so Gale complies. The submarine begins to evade the tentacles to shoot it precisely in the head, while it is fighting against its offspring. In his helmet, he hums the song Sailing Mirai by Ichirō Mizuki opening of Submarine Super 99, to concentrate better, which helps him to finish it off with the missile with Gale's energy, blowing it to pieces. Gale activates the portal to return to Earth.Our heroes return again to earth, Bunny Queen deactivates his shield and Gale puts on his, the submarine turns to be a military jeep armed to the teeth, so they continue shooting at everything that moves, however there is something new this time, it turns out that now the vehicles have shields that can be immune to shots from them, this causes Gale's shield receives much more damage than usual because the amount of threats is more than before, this puts our heroes in check, Meteor boy tries to figure out how to break the shields, Gale tells him that he is going to sacrifice himself to stop them, but Fallen Red Ranger orders him not to do it until he finds a solution to the problem, suddenly a Toudou song plays from his helmet's music player, He puts it on pause until the light bulb turns on, he notices that the shields have different colors, he takes a submachine gun and shoots at a red shield until it is destroyed and damages the vehicle, Snowball finishes it off until it explodes. Fallen Red Ranger begins to give orders:>>Attention everyone, lock your targets to the shields of their corresponding colors:Devil Maiden concentrate your power against the purple shields.Bunny Queen V concentrate your power against the pink shields.Snowball as this is my vehicle concentrate on the red shields, as well as finishing them off when you can, as well as Meteor boy with the vehicle's weapons.Gale concentrate your power against black shields.And I'll take care of the red shields.They all automatically obey his orders, which allows them to survive while counterattacking the hail of shots and projectiles from the horde of armed and armored vehicles until an Evil Gate suddenly appears, taking them unawares and sending them to another world.The vehicle arrives in a world that is at night again, but has a moon so it is not so dark, mountainous with many flat, rocky structures that make a kind of hotwheel track, unstable, hostile, where several hostile creatures chase them along the way. Fortunately the creatures are not considerable opposition compared to those to Evil Kill's armed vehicles on the ground, so they drop a bit to intensity, however, they don't let them get close to them with the amount of gunfire. Fallen Red Ranger takes the floor:>>Attention everyone, I think I figured out what's next, so I'm going to tell you, this whole course seems to be working like a bullet hell.-Bullet hell, what is that? -Bunny Queen V. asked.-Bullet hell, oh yes, what a thrill, but how on earth is that possible? -I exclaimed and at the same time Snowball was confused.-Don't tell me you're one of those frustrated toudou," answered Devil Maiden in disgust.-Guwange, Ibara, Deathsmiles, danmaku unlimited, ikaruga, Batlle garegga, dodonpachi daioujou, eXceed, touhou and mushihimesama, any problem with that. -I exclaimed Fallen Red Ranger with honor and honor.-Oh my God, what did I do to deserve this. -I answered Devil Maiden ashamed.-What is Bullet Hell, Raiden?" asked Bunny Queen V who was dying of curiosity while shaking him tenderly.-It's evading a hellish hail of gunfire from hordes and hordes of enemies or bosses that squeeze every last ounce of social life you have out of you. -Fallen Red Ranger replied with a tone of traumatized, but realized for what he did.-Poor thing. -Replied Bunny Queen V, stroking his head.-And what does that have to do with opening the portal, Fallen Red Ranger? -Gale answered.-As she wanted us to go straight ahead, it is certain that, when we get to the laboratory, she will receive us with a rain of projectiles of any kind, of the mushihimesama futari level of her final boss, without mercy and without vaseline, the weapons will surely have a shield where they will alternate to our colors so fast, that there will be no way to attack, it is certain that they will destroy the shield with a single shot. ...ohh...I can imagine it...a single coin...a 1cc...ULTRA MODE, HAHAHAHAHAHA. -Fallen Red Ranger exclaimed with a tone of a traumatized, bloodthirsty psychopath who lowers the morale of everyone but Snowball who starts shaking his head like a metalhead and added. -I've been holding back, though, ever since I became Fallen Red Ranger.He thunders all over his body.-Now all the worlds will know my power...INSUPERABLE. -I exclaim and scream Fallen Red Ranger causing his body to emanate red energy, he hits the gas pedal to the floor causing a sonic boom so powerful that a nuclear mushroom explosion comes out, the vehicle suddenly surpasses mach 25. The vehicle travels so fast that it devastates the dimension in its path.-ENGAGE BOOST. -Fallen Red Ranger shouted, activating the vehicle in air mode, reaching the speed of light and ordered Meteor Boy to configure the ship so that we can all use our powers.Meteor Boy did the same as he did with the submarine.-You let me know, Fallen Red Ranger. -I'll let you know, Fallen Red Ranger." exclaimed Gale who has the portal ready, he configures the controller to a video game controller.-NOW. -Fallen Red Ranger shouts as he exceeds the speed of light.Gale opens the portal, however, it doesn't end there. As they travel through the portal at high speeds, he pulls out an ace up his sleeve.-ULTRAVIOLENT BULLET HELL MASSACRE. -Fallen Red Ranger shouts, injecting his energy into the control knob to spread throughout the ship, causing him and the ship to synchronize as one being.Upon entering the earth, they are greeted by a hail of projectiles of all kinds equal to or worse than futari mushihimesama levels, but the ship evades it so quickly that they don't take a single damage, not even to Gale's shield which is still active. Everything what Fallen Red Ranger said is fulfilled, leaving them all impressed so neither short, nor lazy they destroy all ground or air vehicles, turrets and anything that is an enemy, obliterating them all with all their power, leaving blood, flesh and metal on the battlefield.After that, it switches to ground mode so that with the power of its frontal weapons it blows the gate to pieces to invade the place annihilating everything in its path with all its power. Meteor Boy shows them where they have to go, which is a kind of large white enclosure. Before disabling the vehicle, they attach a kind of cable to their belts to stay close to Gale because if they lose it, they are dead. Everyone is ready and clinging to Gale, but not before Bunny Queen V, puts on her bunny helmet made of bunny nanobots and her hood that is connected to the cape of her dress.Fallen Red Ranger crashes the vehicle into the compound's gate, disables it, Meteor Boy's bug takes cover on Gale's head. Once inside there is an armored door that prevents them from passing through so Gale takes the initiative to hack the access door, while they defend it by riddling them with their powers and their weapons. The system complicates it to Gale.-How many of them are too many, that bitch is serious about bullet hell. -I exclaim Fallen Red Ranger who shoots them with a version of m16 sop mod with rocket launcher, while Bunny Queen also does the same with his Bunny Faries protecting them with a shield in turn General Snowball uses a kind of Pecheneg Machine Gun with bullets caliber 7.62 × 54 mm armor penetrating, expansive, Devil Maiden uses his Devil Cannon a kind of ion cannon similar to Morrigan Aensland's soul eraser.-You can't destroy that lock, now. -Devil Maiden exclaimed.-I wish I could, but believe me, you wouldn't want to. -Gale replied with a traumatized tone that disturbed Devil Maiden.Fortunately, Gale manages to open the lock so they can go through the corridors full of turrets that shoot them mercilessly. They go through the facilities annihilating endless hordes of enemies, there is no room or hallway where there are no enemies.-WHEN THE FUCK IS THIS GOING TO END? -asked Devil Maiden, who is tired of killing enemies.-It seems we have fallen into a trap. -Gale answered.-HOW. -They all shouted.-You're right, this looks like some kind of rouge-like thing that generates random rooms full of enemies. -Fallen red Ranger replied.-No kidding, Sherlock. -Answered Devil Maiden since it's kind of obvious, but it makes him a little angry, however, she reassures him by hugging him from behind so he can feel her breasts.-It's correct as you say, Fallen Red Ranger, it's not the first time we fall into this, I need you to connect to the Gale lab network, to find the key, although it could be a living being, I'm going to take care of solving it, meanwhile keep fighting until I can find the answer. -Ordered Meteor Boy and added. - Fallen red Ranger, when we get to the core, summon a gun and shoot the core with me in it.-Understood. -Fallen Red Ranger, though he doesn't understand why, but he has an idea why.An army finds them, so they have to defend the position while Meteor Boy, through Gale, finds out the composition of the lab's structure.-There are too many of them, we won't last long, Bunny Queen V, get your shitty army to help us here. -exclaimed Devil Maiden.-General Snowball," Bunny Queen V exclaimed.-I'm on it. -Snowball replied as he argued with the other generals and added. -Ready, your majesty may.-Back off, BUNNY ARMY ASSAULT. -Bunny Queen V shouted and summoned her army to attack the hordes with force, until she fainted, but Fallen Red Ranger caught her in his arms, some bunny healers replenished Bunny Queen V's magic.-What happened Bunny, too much pressure. -Devil Maiden replied and lay down on the floor.-To hell with you, Devil. -Answered Bunny Queen V who cuddled into Fallen Red Ranger's chest and added. -General Snowball, how long can they hold out.-Five minutes. -Snowball replied as his army contained them.-How much longer do you need, Meteor Boy?" asked Bunny Queen V.-Ten minutes, it's too complex. -Meteor Boy replied, using Gale's vocal cords.-I want it in three minutes, you are the most powerful and intelligent robot in the universe, for you to give me that. -Ordered Bunny Queen V.-But..." Meteor Boy replied.-But nothing, if you need me to speed you up, you tell me. -exclaimed Bunny Queen V.-It's okay, don't worry, God knows if this has anti-magic," exclaimed Meteor Boy, so he was forced to use the Codex of Destruction to make the process faster.-CODEX OVERCHARGE. Gale shouts and short-circuits the entire lab, but not before extracting the codex from the dimension to the energy core.The lab is indeed a living thing, so the hallway begins to shake.-Attention everyone, hold on to me, NOW. -I command Gale who disconnects and unsheathes his sword. They climb on top of him, Bunny Queen V absorbs his army with Snowball included so that he rushes towards the horde, cutting them to pieces along with the corridors, the rooms until deploying the Slaughter Sphere, a cut that generates a flurry of sphere-shaped cuts that expands almost infinitely that annihilates everything around them until Gale opens a portal to the core.Once inside the portal, Meteor Boy reminds him of what he told him so when they reach the core they are intercepted by transparent orbs that manage to subdue them and nullify their powers, except Gale who several try to subdue him, but before that, Fallen Red Ranger shoots the gun into the core that makes a crack.-Well, well, but look who we have here, if they are Gale's new cannon fodder, tell me army killer, how many people do you have to sacrifice to get your revenge? -The chief scientist of the laboratory exclaimed.-I don't sacrifice anyone, they like all those who oppose this senseless slaughter, don't confuse things. -Gale exclaimed.-It doesn't matter, you and all the lesser beings don't understand that the empress of the universe seeks to save you heroes from you, you are a lie, a blasphemy to the universe, a cancer that must be eradicated for all to bow down before your only savior. -The chief scientist answered.-Savior, all I see is a virgin whore who masturbates with the suffering of others, now I will teach you what real power is. -The scientist turns around when he sees Meteor Boy's hologram.-JA, a hologram how low does that have to be -.... -Exclaimed the chief scientist until he notices the scream that generated the shot Fallen Red Ranger made to the core and added. -You fucking ranger set me up.-He didn't, Guilainux, because this was all part of my plan, surrender or perish before the power of the INVINCIBLE METEOR BOY. -I scream Meteor Boy's hologram as the entire system has Meteor Boy's face, the beams release Gale and the others from orbs.-NEVER, SAVE THE EMPRESS. -Guilainux exclaimed together with the other scientists, only to be disintegrated by the overloading core beams.-I opened an exit for them to get out of here, all this is going to explode. -Meteor Boy's hologram exclaimed.They take advantage of Fallen Red Ranger summoning a super car, they get in it and drive out of there at full speed. The entire army network was hacked together with any machine inside the network, causing chaos in the army. In the space fleet, Dead Byte does everything he can to isolate the systems from the hacking so it doesn't get there, although it's too late causing all the ships to explode, but the empress' cruiser was saved from this.Our heroes leave the laboratory seeing how the machines and the army soldiers fight each other. When they leave the place they go to a remote place until they see how the laboratory explodes completely, during the explosion a light comes out that is seen by everyone. They are intrigued by the light coming out of there.-It's beautiful. -exclaimed Bunny Queen V.-Yes, it is, the pinnacle of human technology, the most powerful hero in the universe, the invincible Meteor Boy has returned to defend his home. -I exclaim Fallen Red Ranger, when from the beam of light, Meteor Boy is reconstructed to describe him is a preteen boy of about thirteen years old Japanese, short black hair, with eyes lit sky blue, along with a superhero costume similar to Superman of the New 52, only it is more black with sky blue energy lines, with a sky blue belt and his symbol on the chest of a meteor. All of Japan is witnessing the moment, coming out of hiding, watching the return of their savior.Meteor Boy is witnessing all this, so from his body he releases beams of energy that annihilates all the soldiers and machines of Evil Kill on the planet, and then launches a powerful beam of light that ends up annihilating the entire fleet surrounding the battle cruiser, but he unfortunately escapes unharmed.-You're harder to kill than a cockroach, Evil Kill, I hope you leave us time to finish the job. -Thought Meteor Boy who looks at the sky, but sees a kind of morse code with the lights of the cruiser that says: I grant you one month on earth, you can go any dimension you want, so they can prepare for their second test, you can't take any civilian to another dimension and only the Japanese so he added. -Damn space nekomata whore dressed as Daidōji cosplay from Senran Kagura with racist military accessories, how much I hate her.Meteor Boy descends to where they are, they kneel before him showing their respect before him.-Rise up, we have a month of grace before your next test, so we have to rescue and protect all the Japanese who have survived this hell. -Meteor Boy said.-And the world. -Devil Maiden answered.-Unfortunately, no, she won't allow it, but I will find a way to help you. -Meteor Boy answered and added. -In the meantime let's help our people for fifteen days and then we will go to an isekai to become stronger.-An isekai, Meteor Boy, you've got to be kidding me. -Fallen Red Ranger exclaimed, showing his displeasure at them.-We have to do it because, in fifteen days, it won't be enough to make us stronger. -Meteor Boy answered.-I understand, if that is your will, I will accept it. -Fallen Red Ranger answered.-Now my comrades, let's go save those who are still fighting to live. -Meteor Boy replied.Fallen Red Ranger summons a combat truck with a trailer for the people who are still alive, Bunny Queen V sits in the passenger seat.-I'll let you have it this once, you can't do anything with it. -Devil Maiden confidently exclaims and starts to fly along with Meteor Boy.-You're fifteen years old, Bunny Queen V, you're too old to be messing with men of legal age. -Meteor Boy replied with a disgusted look on his face.-And so is Oyuki..." replied Bunny Queen V and added. --When all this is over, I'll save him from your clutches, Demon.-We'll see about that, Mahou shoujo. -Answered Devil Maiden who was leaving Meteor Boy to look for survivors.-But if I'm a robot and you're a human, I'm not going to argue with you, everyone has their weird inclinations, although I don't blame her since she reminds me more of Hana who was a furra, although I think she's the most normal of the three, so far...but she's not...however I think this is going to benefit me in case this war is postponed more than usual. -Meteor Boy thought as they spoke.-Don't worry about me, Bunny Queen V, I would give my soul to save you all. -Fallen Red Ranger replied.-Don't taint your heroic deeds with the power of the demon, Fallen Red Ranger, someday I will snatch you from their hands so you can be the ranger that everyone is proud of you. -Bunny Queen V. answered.-You're right, though I know how to do it, but don't tell anyone. -Fallen Red Ranger replied.-All right, Fallen Red Ranger, I'll trust you. -Bunny Queen V answered with a smile until he started the truck to drive through this burning world.-I hope this is the beginning of the end... or not. -Thought Gale who is in the back of the truck reflective as always.