

Another year arrived and many production studios became busy again to release their movies. Some were already promoting their movies in hopes of earning more money.

January, being the first month of the year, had no promising movies except for one. It was a romantic comedy released by Universal Pictures with the title of Along Came Polly. The movie was expected to surpass $150 million at the worldwide box office.

Except for Along Came Polly, January was a quiet month. However, this silence only affected the movies released in the same month.

Lord Of The Rings: The Return Of The King was making money like there was no other. The amount of people who watched the movies every day was amazing.

Some of these moviegoers were even wearing LOTR costumes such as Dwarves and Elves. LOTR was now recognized as a culture by the West. Tons of people doing LARPing and playing Dungeons and Dragons using LOTR as a core.

Also, the merchandise that Lord Of The Rings sold was over a billion now. Whenever a new LOTR movie was released, the sales of merchandise also went up to the ceiling.

Hate to admit it but Lord Of The Rings had a better consumer than Continental Cinematic Universe. Lord Of The Rings had so many products that they could sell such as wigs, toy swords, toy bows, and costumes. Unlike CCU which mostly relied on action figures.

Factoring in "The Lord of the Rings" officially licensed video games and merchandise and box office, Forbes estimates that the franchise has made between $3 billion and $7 billion.

The reason was obvious why Warner Bros was against dropping this franchise. They wanted to film The Hobbit as well.

While Lord Of The Rings was making money, Wanted 2 ended its screening and was officially kicked out of the theaters worldwide. The movie ended with $821 million at its worldwide box office.

Even though it was $200 million lower than the prequel, Wanted 2 was still recognized as a box office hit. Especially when the movie only cost $100 million(plus advertising) to make. Unfortunately, Wanted 2 failed to surpass Nemo, with it's $871 million.




"Hey, did you hear the rumors?"

"Hm? Are you talking about that?"

"Yes, that. That's right!"

The two receptions of Grey Pictures started talking while working. Since the reception desk had no jobs to do except stay in the place and wait for people to show up, the two female receptionists started gossiping.

People love to gossip, especially if the news is spicy.

Recently, there was a rumor that Kazir and Brianna were found coming out of the restaurant. They looked very close, as if they were not just friends.

Yes, these two receptions were talking about their boss and his romantic relationship.

Kazir Grey was known in the company as a serious guy who loved working. They also know that Kazir loves his girlfriend, Angelina Jolie, very much.

However, some tabloids started publishing about Kazir's new relationship! Kazir and Brianna seemed to have an affair.

Of course, tabloids were known to falsify information. Tabloids that spread false information were much worse than fanfiction stories. At least fanfiction stories admitted that their stories were false, unlike some tabloids that push fake stories, making people believe that their stories were real.

This time, their target was Kazir and Brianna.

"What do you think? Are the rumors true!? I thought Sir Grey loved his girlfriend very much."

"In my opinion, Sir Grey should leave Angelina instead. That woman already experienced divorce, a failed relationship. Her past relationships are also not that great."

"I agree with you. Sir Grey is the best thing that happened to Angelina... Now I'm kinda sad if they broke up."

"For me, Brianna Evans is better. She has a better career and she's never been in a scandal, except now. I also heard that she's single since 1997, which means that she's serious about her dream."

"Your opinion sucks, just keep your mouth shut and do your job. Don't spread false information if you don't want to get sued. I can't believe you're gossiping about your boss." A new person joined the conversation.

"Who said that!?"

One of the receptionists raised her voice and turned around. Her face turned pale when she saw Erica Mendez staring at them with a cold gaze.

"Ma'am, it's nice to meet you."

The two receptions realized their mistake and bowed their heads, instinctively lowering their heads.

"I don't feel nice meeting you."

Erica passed the reception desk without glancing at them. It was disrespectful that the receptionists had the guts to talk about their boss's private life.

She had to talk to Human Resources to find other people to fill in the jobs of receptionists. Those two didn't deserve to work in their company, not with that kind of attitude.

'They should have gossiped where I can't hear them.'

Erica sighed. In fact, Kazir immediately talked to Angelina to explain what happened. Their conversation ended well but Angelina started acting strange. Erica could see it.

Since she was working for Kazir, she wanted to see her boss having a great life.

Kazir and Angelina were still in a relationship and they were both affectionate to each other. But for some reason, Erica felt like the relationship wouldn't last any longer.

It didn't help that the tabloids kept spamming articles that Kazir was cheating on Angelina!

Obviously, Erica immediately called for a lawyer to file a lawsuit against these tabloids. These tabloids were small publishers so the battle wouldn't last that long, but the impact they caused was actually massive. It was clear that they were trying to destroy Kazir's reputation