

Since the people knew that buying the tickets could help the unfortunate kids, they didn't have any problem spending money.

They believe that they are doing right. It was a win-win situation. They could watch Spider-Man 2 and they would also help young kids.

Helping people bring satisfaction to their ego, knowing that they did something right. Some people even donated directly to the Make-A-Wish Foundation.

As for Tobey Maguire, most people already knew that he was the victim. They were not mad at him. Although there were still some haters who would lash at Tobey.

Haters would always be there to remind celebrities that they were hated for a reason. A celebrity would always have a hater. Heck, even the Pope had haters.

Tobey's reputation was slowly recovering. The interview had a positive reaction, people knew that he was sincere when he helped the unfortunate children who were suffering from terminal diseases. Some weak-hearted people even cried when they watched the video.

In just one night, Tobey changed his image for the better.

He even showed up publicly, going to an orphanage, and helping to feed kids... This was actually a publicity done by Sony-Colombia but Tobey gladly did it since he liked doing so.

20th Century Fox also helped Tobey because of their upcoming project which was Final Destination, Tobey would be the male lead of the movie and good publicity would always help their upcoming project.




Nothing much happened in June, except for President Ronald Reagan's death. It was a sad day for America...

Do Americans feel bad when one of their presidents dies, or do they feel happy?

Anyway, before the end of June, Spider-Man 2 was officially released in theaters, on June 30, the last day of the month.

Many kids were excited, some even wore Spider-Man costumes. Of course, even the adults joined the fun. The adults were also wearing Spider-Man costumes.

At the Mann Village Theater, more than a hundred people participated in the red carpet and many reporters were having a blast taking pictures. These reporters could sell these pictures, especially if the pictures looked bad. The reporters even hoped that one of the cast would have a wardrobe malfunction... Easy money in that case.

However, the main theme of this red carpet caught the most attention.

Even the people who attended the premiere had teary eyes as they watched the red carpet. Each actor was walking hand in hand with a kid. They were kids who suffered from illness. These kids were fans of Spider-Man and they wanted to watch it.

Sony-Colombia used this chance as a way of publicity and at the same time helping young kids. The main reason was profit but yeah, at least they helped kids... They were really having a blast with this publicity. They have to, because two of their big stars had scandals this year, Tobey and Kazir.

The second to the last who appeared was Kazir Grey. This time, Kazir didn't show up with Angelina. News already spread that the two had broken up. Some speculated that it was because of the recent scandal about Kazir. Kazir didn't care much.

Instead, he was pushing a wheelchair for a kid who had leukemia. The kid was holding a Spider-Man toy. The kid seemed excited as he looked around. Many people were taking pictures it was a fun experience overall. At least it was different from his usual life in the monotonous hospital room.

After that procession, someone took the kid to the premiere while Kazir stayed outside to get interviewed.

"Director, you look fabulous and handsome."

"Thanks. You too, you look amazing."

"It's such a shame that Miss Angelina is not here to see your handsome appearance."

Kazir chuckled...

'Fuck, does Sony-Colombia really that desperate for traction? They even prepared this kind of question.'

Perhaps Sony-Colombia was innocent. Maybe the reporter just wanted to get some juicy reaction from Kazir.

Hollywood was not the place for privacy and respect. Celebrities rarely have privacy, especially if the celebrities are super famous.

Obviously, Kazir was uncomfortable the whole interview and excused himself once Tobey Maguire appeared.

Just like the other cast, Tobey was holding a young kid to the red carpet.

Was Sony-Colombia doing wrong by leading sick kids to the red carpet to watch Spider-Man? Perhaps yes and perhaps no.

After all, these children's wishes came true tonight. They were happy.

However, it was also a fucked up, especially behind the reason why Sony-Colombia did this publicity.

In the end, it all depends on the opinion of the people.

The next day, many people had mixed opinions regarding Spider-Man 2's premiere.

That night, the kids watched Spider-Man and Doctor Octopus's battle. They witnessed how Spider-Man saved the people on the train. They were happy when MJ chose Peter over her fiancee...

People stood up and clapped their hands. The two would surely make tons of money. As expected, Director Grey knew how to cook.

Spider-Man didn't differ from the usual formula that Kazir used, and people liked his movies because of that.




The next day, the media indeed had mixed opinions regarding the red carpet. Some said that Sony-Colombia was fucked up while others said the company did great by granting the wish of the kids.

However, the red carpet was not the main topic. Everyone was more curious about the box office!

June 30, Wednesday. Spider-Man 2 grossed $40.44 million after 24 hours of screening. It was shocking but also expected.

Even though the scandal affected the movie, more people still wanted to watch Spider-Man 2.

Perhaps Universal Pictures and Walt Disney's hardwork was useless since Spider-Man 2 was still doing great despite the scandal.

It was hard to sabotage Spider-Man, especially when people were excited to watch it.