Demon kings and heroes

"Since the dragons have lived for so long, we have information about the demons and much more, but for now, I want you to see what the ancient demons are," Elsa said. She flew into the air and took out one of the several books on the shelves, then she flew down and handed it to Silva.

Silva took the book and then took a seat. He opened it up and started reading.

Gods exist, and they watch over all life. They are believed to be the ultimate form of life. But not all gods are good and gracious. In fact, many are terrible and have no care for other lives. These are regarded as the evil gods.

Evil gods are gods that have fallen from their initial grace and goodness and have taken it upon themselves to reap the souls of all life. In many places, they are referred to as devils, but they are just evil gods. However, evil gods are as important as gods.