Final Preparations

Now that Silva was pissed and had decided to start the war early, the only two things he had to do were to talk to Fay.

So he returned to the academy and snuck into Fay's room. He took her and then went ahead to her brother's room.

He kidnapped both of them and left the academy that night, taking them to their house in Robert, where their father was already waiting since Silva had gone to him ahead of time and told him to wait.

When Fay and her brother woke up, they were shocked to find themselves inside their father's office.

But before they could ask what was happening, Silva began explaining. He told them the whole thing, keeping only the important parts secret.

"The reason I have told you all this is because you three have an important place in my life, most especially Fay.

I'd like for you to leave and join my side now, and I can promise that Ribest will be safe, and I will not harm it.