Chef in the wilderness

The sound of fire crackling and sizzling oil filled the night air of the wilderness, as a soft, warm glow of the flames could be seen from a distance.

Closer to the flame was a blonde-haired man seated on a rock, tending to the thin cuts of meat that were placed on the pan above the flames.

From sight alone, one could tell that very few ingredients had gone into the pan, yet the aroma filled the air. It was a beautiful scent in all ramifications.

The man took the stick he had placed beside the rock he sat on and used it to slowly flip the pieces of meat over, revealing the sides that had been cooking for a while.

He began humming a tune as he flipped them, nodding his head to follow the rhythm. He kept going for a while until everything was well-cooked and the insides were tender.

He took the pan off the pot and placed it on the rock beside him. He took out a small knife and used it to pick slices of meat from the pan and eat.