start of the journey

Gabriel looked up in shock and saw her eyes open. He moved back a little, his hands trembling in excitement. Tears streamed down his face.

"Rose, Rose," he called. He immediately hugged her tightly on the bed. "You're back, sob."

"We will leave both of you to catch up. You deserve your time alone," Silva said and walked out of the room with Lily and Drake.

In reality, all Silva had done here was mostly a lie. There was no risk to the procedure—this was Lily, the smartest in stuff like this.

She found the solution weeks ago, but back then, there was some risk, so she spent the time fixing it until it was a hundred percent perfect.

But Silva didn't want Gabriel taking it for granted. He wanted to make Gabriel scared, and when she was truly cured, he would hold the deepest respect for Silva.