Mike and the traitor

Mike ran through the castle, trying to find Lia. After the war started, he couldn't get a hold of anyone. Silva was locked out of the capital, and Mia was nowhere to be found.

He was certain that Quin would be able to manage himself, but the same could not be said for Mia—she was his twin, after all.

He looked around like a madman, trying to find her. The enemy had already taken the throne room and used it to set up the dome, but right now, that was not really his issue.

As he looked through the corridors, he heard an explosion of sorts. He immediately ran to check it, and luckily enough for him, it was Amber and Lia holding off a demonized.

Mike didn't waste a second to think. He pulled out his sword and charged into battle. The demonized swung its claw to take off Amber's head. Amber made a vine wall—the claw cut through it but was not able to reach them.