After Lia finally calmed down, Silva looked at Quin. "Why are you alone? Where is she?" he asked.
Quin understood who he was asking about. Quin didn't speak for a while; he looked at Silva in the eyes, his breath became heavy, and his fists trembled.
"She... she didn't make it. I wasn't strong enough to protect her. I wasn't strong enough to protect anyone—not Mike, not Dad and Mum, and not even my own wife," Quin said, struggling to keep himself standing.
"Don't beat yourself over it, bro. It was my fault, and I'll make sure I fix it," Silva said.
"Don't blame yourself. You tried to stop this from happening. It was not your fault—you can't do everything for us," Quin said.
"Today, we bury those that we can bury, but we will not mourn anyone. We don't deserve to mourn them. Rather, we are going to take the fight to them and get vengeance.