first town

The host of Silva's army made it to the border of the White Rabbit Field. Their arrival was like the coming of death. Silva raised his hand, and the army behind him stopped. He looked into the distance.

"This is where we make that march. We will be forcing all the rabbits into running, headed right for the kingdom ahead," Silva said.

He paused for a moment, taking a look at the field, and then he raised his hands, and the army charged forward—abominations and abyssal monsters alike.

The charge caused the field to rumble, and in a few seconds, the rabbits leaped out, ready to charge at whatever was headed their way. But the abyssal monsters and the abominations were not something they could take on, and a massacre followed.

The rabbits started dying in large numbers, and they immediately understood that this was not their fight. Even with their numbers, they could not defeat enemies of this strength.