Gallan and Fang walked together through the streets, a trail of blood followed behind them endlessly. They had fought so much up to this point, but they had barely broken a sweat. The two of them as a duo were a very terrifying mixture.
As they walked uncaring, the Knights of Ronan suddenly ambushed them. The knights came out, leaping from the doors and the windows of the houses around.
Gallan and Fang were shocked that these knights were able to hide their presence so much and ambush them, but rather than make them scared, it made them excited because maybe these knights had some fight to give.
Gallan gripped both his blades, bent his knees down to a very low level, and then leaped into the air. His jump height was several meters high.
The knights looked at him in fright as he jumped higher than them, who were already in a high position.