Now that Silva had convinced Amber that what they would be doing was going to be simple, she faced the demon and asked.
"So how do I do it? How do I transfer the world tree to you?" she asked.
"It is a really simple process. You have to awaken the spirit. When the spirit is awakened, you will be able to see the link, and you must sever that link," the demon said.
Silva looked at Amber, and she nodded in understanding.
"When did you know that you were connected with the tree?" Silva asked.
"For the longest time, but my father knew it was a risk to allow people to know I knew. Only when you knew about your connection could you use your power.
He didn't trust other races or even elves taking advantage of me. I guess it was all for nothing at the end, seeing I am here about to use it now for something that might destroy the world," she said.