-Tea Time Chat

'Tick, Tok, Tik, Tok'

The loud clock that sat on the wall inside my living room was the only thing audible throughout the silence. Luminos sat next to me, while Prince Maxwell sat directly across the table from me. Neither of the two looked interested in speaking to each other and both elected to stare at me for some odd reason.

After minutes of sitting in silence, Freya returned to the dining room with a tray that held three teacups. She first placed one down in front of Prince Maxwell before with a visible frown, before happily placing one down in front of Prince Luminos.

Freya then personally handed the last cup to me. As she handed the tea to me, I looked out of the corner of her blue eyes to see that the cheating Prince was shooting a glare her way. Freya didn't dare to respond to it, and she turned her gaze back to me with an obvious hint of discomfort.

Does this cheater want to intimidate my maid? I don't think so!