Licking the Ice Wall

Licking the Ice Wall

Gather around children, and let me tell you the story of Elizabeth and Alister. 

One day Elizabeth got out of her home and like all of us, looked at the Great Ice Wall, our great protector. The wall that surrounds our humble village. Then she was going to do her daily chores when she saw her friend Alister licking the ice wall; disgusting! 

"Again, Alister!" she said.

"Ah! Elizabeth, come, help me," he said.

"You know, the wall heals itself."

"Not if it's something organic."


"You know, your mouth water or maybe—"


"Whoo, I don't think we need to go that far. Besides, I'm making noticeable progress. Come, look here." Elizabeth walked forward, and there it was: A hole the size of a nose hole. She couldn't resist her urge and peeked through it. Unlike our sun, which is blue, the outside sun is beautifully gold. It was the brightest thing she ever saw. Red roses danced in the outside wind. She could feel the warmth and smell the lotuses and roses that she only heard in stories. She felt the lush green grass under her feet, and it possessed her.

"Is it healing? She asked.

"No," said Alister.

"Elizabeth, what are you doing? Come here," her mother said from far away.

"Coming, Mother." She turned toward Alister and whispered, "Meet me in the night."

At night when the sun bowed to the stars and moon, Alister stood near the ice wall. He heard footsteps and saw Elizabeth running toward him with a pointed rock in her hand.

"You know these ancestral weapons won't work, right?" he asked.

"Not alone," said Elizabeth, and she plunged the rock into her hand and continued, "Our ancestors always said they must be missing an ingredient…well, here it is." She bashed the ice with the blood-soaked rock for hours until a crack spread through the wall, and a part of it fell. Elizabeth and Alister slipped through the skinny path, and at last, they were outside. It was beyond their wildest imaginations. Elizabeth never thought that something could be softer than fresh snow, but as the warm grass danced beneath her feet, she could never go back. The air sang in her ears and embraced her. The stars, like water drops, shone in the sky. Then she heard the sweetest of voices. The voice of waves of the sea rustling. Alister couldn't keep his teeth in. They danced, laughed, ran, played, jumped, rolled and finally fell asleep.

In the morning, the golden sun welcomed them; Elizabeth woke up. Alister slept by her on the grass. It was her first night when she didn't wake up because of the cold, but there was this strange itching all over her arm. It spread and reached her neck, becoming more intense. And before she knew her whole body felt like she was on fire. Alister started humping, so she covered him with her body, but it was too late. Her body caught fire, and both of them perished.

And that's why children: we don't go outside the ice wall, our great protector.