
The police cruiser slowed onto the curb of a dainty old building. Written in black writing, "Willow Oak Orphanage" was cased in iron over the arch of an old rusted gate. The building was old. An old prison from a century ago was repurposed into an orphanage by a philanthropist at the time.

Aldric got out of the vehicle and walked straight through inside. He passed the sleeping receptionist and went straight to his room. 

All his items were exactly as he left them. The dust was kept to a minimum but a thin layer was still present. Silently, he packed all his clothes into his empty suitcase that he kept beneath his bed. His communicator was dead so he charged it while packing. It was one of the most valuable things he owned. The futuristic phone was not used to contact anyone but to surf the internet.

15 minutes later, he was ready to leave. He neared the front door.

"Are you not going to say goodbye?" an elderly voice spoke behind him.

Aldric turned around and saw the matron. She adopted the look of a stereotypical caretaker. A long dress, glasses, and grey hair. 

"You were always detached from this orphanage. Like you were seeing beyond it. Looking at something far ahead." She spoke in a wise tone.

Aldric adopted an embarrassed look at being called out like that. 

"I wasn't that bad was I?"

She didn't respond to his comment and carried on. She did give him a look though.

" Congratulations on passing your first nightmare. I'm glad you're back safe and sound." She said with a soft and endearing look on her face.

"Thank you Madam" Aldric responded with a warm smile. 

It felt good to have someone care that he came back. A warm sensation spread in his heart. He was not some sociopath in his old world. Not a bullied high schooler. Not an assassin. Not an overworked corporate cog in a machine. He had friends. Family. Goals and aspirations. And he knew that whatever was remaining there would live to see it through. 

" I don't doubt that you have plans beyond this orphanage and that I will not see you soon. However, I will say that I hope you visit." She had a knowing look in her eyes. 

She gave him a hug with no chance of refusal.

" I won't promise anything but I will try." Aldric responded honestly.

With that, the conversation was finished.

Aldric went back inside the vehicle. He gave one last glance at his old home and looked back forward.


It was a long journey. It took over 4 hours to arrive. After all, the NQSC was a very large place to traverse. Aldric saw a lot of the good and bad of the siege capital. The technological marvel that was the city center. The beautiful greenery that was so scarce in the waking world. Compared to where he lived which was in the northwest, the architecture was so humane. It was built for the enjoyment of humans. Not the brutal minimalistic design that was visible in his zone.

His analysis came to a stop as they approached the red gates of the academy city. Once cleared to go through the entrance, they cruised through the city within a city. Aldric observed the heavy artillery lining the giant walls along the edge of the city. All sorts of buildings of different designs and for different purposes met the window of the car. Finally, their journey came to an end when they arrived at the giant metal gates of the Awakened Academy. 

"This is as far as I can take you. Someone has been notified to get you. I wish you all the best." The man said looking in the rearview mirror.

"Thanks for the lift." Aldric said as he left and took his suitcase from the trunk of the car.


Aldric was now in a small room. It was temporary lodgings before being assigned a dorm room. It was said that given how chaotic it was trying to get all the sleepers into a scheduled routine, they would hold a ceremony at the beginning of each month. Aldric missed the October ceremony by 6 days. Luckily as the winter solstice approached, they conducted a ceremony every week. It made sense as the sleepers literally could not afford to wait to be inducted. Every day mattered for their survival.

Aldric was waiting for the ceremony to start which was scheduled for tomorrow. It was now the early afternoon. He had a lot of time to kill before sleeping. He decided he would familiarise himself with the place.


Standing in a small group of 20 people, Aldric waited for the presenter to arrive. Everyone stood in a large assembly hall. He surveyed the group and noticed how extraordinary everyone looked. Most of the sleepers looked well above average in terms of looks. Almost as if all imperfections were purified out of their body. Clear skin. Healthy vitalised hair. As if the best that humanity had to offer was displayed. It was frightening to Aldric. The power that the spell had. The ability to change the fate of those it infected on a whim.

While everybody was eager to share and speak about their first nightmare, It was hard to initiate the conversation in such a small group. To speak first would mean getting the attention of everyone. 

The hall was in an awkward silence.

A young woman came to the podium and spoke in a tired voice. 

"The Awakened who usually gives the ceremony speech is not available today. I am Awakened Helen." She spoke.

A gorgeous blonde-haired and blue-eyed petite woman stood on the podium. A blue uniform fitted snugly around her curves. Nothing explicit but enough to compliment her frame. She had a youthful appearance that contrasted with her sharp eyes. She was not armed with anything.

" You might be wondering why there are so few of you in such a large hall. The Awakened Academy welcomes well over 1000 sleepers in a given year. This does not mean every week roughly 20 people arrive at our doorstep. Like anything, there is an element of randomness to the spell. All we know is that towards the solstice more and more of you will be coming. 12 weeks ago, it was only 5 people gracing our doors per week. In December, there will likely be 100 joining us per week. It varies." She explained.

"Enough of that. I will now explain to you some of the amenities that are offered here. You all know the purpose of this place. It is in the prologue of every damn webtoon after all." She casually joked.

A string of soft laughs echoed in the hall.

" Free food and lodging is given. A wide range of topics are taught by awakened experts. Training grounds for you to practice your abilities fully."

"We also offer a store. Where you can buy or trade memories. I understand you might have received a memory not suited for you. However, it might be perfect for somebody else. Do not worry, we have strict rules and regulations for trades that prevent any foul intentions. Finally, be ready for an interview surrounding your first nightmare and how we can help you. Also, your curriculum will be discussed then. That is all." She gave a short bow and left as quickly as she came.

Upon her departure, it seemed that the awkward silence died a quick death. People started talking and introducing themselves to each other. They were eager to speak to someone in the same boat as them.

A voice beside Aldric spoke out.

"Hey, what's your name?"