Chapter 27 Insubordination

Chapter 27 Insubordination

Although Bai Heng had not specialized in martial arts or studied swordsmanship, with the talent of the Sword Heart and the transformation of his body by the simulation system, he could handle the weapon in his hand with ease.

In front of him, cold air was diffusing, and the frost and moonlight shadow enveloped the entire street under the dusk.

After facing that sword strike, the opponent took advantage and stepped back, hiding her figure in the fog transformed by the cold air.

Bai Heng couldn't see the person clearly, but he could sense the exposed killing intent from the opponent, which gradually emerged from the cold air along with the distinct footsteps.

The red lanterns around, illuminated by warm candlelight, moved without wind and then went out.

Bai Heng could feel that cold air creeping into his lungs and limbs. That feeling was similar to having a mint candy after brushing teeth.

Only, it also brought a little sting.

From the figure, which was still discernible as having a well-proportioned build, it could be seen that the newcomer was a woman, and her strength was obviously above his own.

Bai Heng was originally only a civilian staff member of the Interstellar Astronomical Society. Even if equipped with the short sword, micro-charge railgun of the Interstellar Peace Company, it was impossible to hurt the opponent at such a close distance.

Thinking of this, Bai Heng held the sword behind his back and said:

"I am visiting the Xianzhou for the first time. I don't know where I have offended ma'am..."

Before he could finish his words, that figure had already stepped out of the fog.

Dressed in a sky-blue Yunqi light armor, with a black veil covering her eyes, her skin was as fair as snow, her silver hair was like a waterfall. Under the flawless moonlight, her skin had a silver luster as if water could seep out with a pinch.

With each light step of her cloud boots, the water-drop earrings embellished on her chest and right ear swayed gently.

"Jing Liu?" Bai Heng's voice trembled slightly.

And immediately, another sword strike came.

Compared to Jing Liu seven hundred years ago, she was now more agile and decisive in her moves.

In just an instant, she leaped in front of Bai Heng, and the ice sword in her hand drew a smoke-blue phantom.

It seemed like an instinctive reaction of his body. Bai Heng raised the unnamed sword to block.

The blades of the two swords met, and Jing Liu leaned closer to Bai Heng, seemingly sizing up the person in front of her.

But only for a moment, she said in a tone that vaguely revealed madness and fragmentation:

"Why, after seven hundred years of absence, you are not even willing to call me Master anymore?"

Bai Heng shook off the ice sword and said:

"Master sister, is there some misunderstanding between us? Why do you draw your sword as soon as we meet?"

"It seems you haven't forgotten me yet." Hearing Bai Heng's address, Jing Liu, whose face was as cold and clear as the moon, unexpectedly showed a faint teasing expression. She brandished the ice sword, which weighed a thousand jun, and her tone fluctuated slightly:

"Does a master need a reason to discipline her disciple?"

Without further ado.

Jing Liu once again assumed the starting stance of swinging the sword, as if enveloped in ten thousand points of cold light, the blade danced like a storm.

At first, Bai Heng could still manage to parry a few moves.

But the gap in swordsmanship, physical strength, and power made him have nowhere to hide under Jing Liu's sword and could only defend passively.

And Jing Liu's sword strikes were all lethal, without the slightest intention of showing mercy.

Sweat seeped from Bai Heng's forehead, but it was quickly frozen by the cold air.

No... If this continues, I will lose without any dignity. And it's under my wife's sword. If we really get married and have the wedding ceremony, my position in the family... Stop. Why am I thinking about these?

Bai Heng quickly focused his mind, and his thoughts circulated in his mind.

[Name: Bai Heng

[Physical strength: 270 Stamina: 270

[Strength: 270 Agility: 230]

[Spirit: 600 Charisma: 700]

Hint: For ordinary humans who are not Path Walkers, the average value of each attribute is 100.

Current simulation times: 0, Refresh time: 27 days

Available attribute points: *400]

He murmured in his heart:

-- Can I query the opponent's attribute points?

[Sorry, you don't have this permission for now.]

-- OK, system, add points!

-- Add 400 attribute points evenly to strength and agility.

[Yes, the attribute panel has been updated for you]

[Physical strength: 270 Stamina: 270

[Strength: 470 Agility: 430]

[Spirit: 600 Charisma: 700]

It must be a quick battle.

After adding the points, Bai Heng clearly felt that his body became much lighter.

Because of the combined effect of the agility and strength attributes, he could now parry Jing Liu's sword without taking a step back.

And Jing Liu, of course, intuitively felt his change. She tilted her head slightly:

"You seem to have become stronger?"

After saying that.

The ice sword in Jing Liu's hand began to stab and slice more fiercely.

A flash of cold light, and ten thousand points of sword light rained down like pear blossoms.

Even though her eyes were covered with a black veil, Bai Heng could still feel the madness from the opponent at this moment.

She seemed to be venting, venting the pain of the past seven hundred years.

But even so, it was still far from enough.

Bai Heng had heard that in the Genius Club, there were not only geniuses but also lunatics.

Their madness was manifested internally.

While Jing Liu's madness was directly displayed on the surface.

In the dark alley, the sword light was sharp, and a layer of frost had already covered the wall.

Bai Heng found that even if he had once again enhanced his physical fitness, he was still far from being Jing Liu's opponent in her full state.

Moreover, he was also worried that if they continued to fight and made too much commotion, it would attract the Yunqi Army, and then he would be arrested and detained for a few days.

So he simply gritted his teeth, held the sword with both hands, and faced Jing Liu's sword move directly.

When the blades met and the numbing force reached his palm, Bai Heng suddenly let go of the sword with both hands, bent down, held Jing Liu's slender waist with both hands, and lunged forward abruptly.

"Um..." Jing Liu didn't react in time at first and fell to the ground with Bai Heng.

This change was completed in an instant.

Bai Heng was pressing on Jing Liu's soft body. Seeing that the eyes under the black veil seemed to be staring straight at him, Bai Heng took a deep breath, slowly released his hands holding the slender waist, and said:

"Master sister, can we talk properly, ah------"

As soon as Bai Heng finished speaking, suddenly his arm was pulled by Jing Liu, and then there was a moment of dizziness.

When he regained his senses, Bai Heng had become the one being pressed down.

Jing Liu gave Bai Heng a cold glance and said:

"Insubordination. You should be punished."

"... Master sister, we could actually communicate in a normal position." Bai Heng was speechless for a moment.

But Jing Liu selectively ignored Bai Heng's words and instead talked about the previous battle:

"Your swordsmanship is chaotic, without any pattern, hesitant, and lacking in strength. Bai Heng, since you remember me, why have you forgotten the sword moves I taught you?"

"Regarding this question..." Bai Heng stared at that beautiful face as fair as snow, thought for a moment, and asked softly: "Master sister, you shouldn't ask me."

"Why, after seven hundred years of reincarnation, I have forgotten everything including the sword moves, but only remember you?"