The moment Renee's lunch with Adan began to take a downward turn, Fabino was quick to reach out to me with an update. I had already given him clear instructions: unless things escalated to a dangerous level, there was no need to intervene. Renee was no ordinary woman; she was trained in martial arts, and I had full confidence that she could handle herself to an extent.

However, what I hadn't expected was a follow-up call from Fabino that completely blindsided me. Renee, according to him, was now on her way to the hospital. 

Apparently, the situation with Ines had gotten so out of hand that Renee was injured badly enough to need stitches. A wound? A confrontation that had gone so far as to draw blood? 

I had thought it would be nothing more than a heated argument, but for someone to be reckless enough to actually hurt Renee? That was a mistake I could not, and would not, ignore.