Chapter 9: The Rebel Shisui  

The black half-body Susanoo loomed over the battlefield, wielding a massive sword.

Even Hiruzen Sarutobi, the Third Hokage, felt the weight of its power. The potential of the Uchiha clan was immense, and now, that potential was being put on full display.


Both sides—the Uchiha clan led by Fugaku and the Konoha leadership led by Hiruzen—were engaged in a dangerous game.


They all knew that the Uchiha had been simmering with discontent over years of suppression. What Danzo had done by stealing Shisui's eye was merely the spark that ignited the flame.


The Third Hokage was carefully weighing his options. The Root and Anbu had surrounded the Uchiha present; if a fight broke out, Konoha had a high chance of victory.


But even if they defeated Fugaku and his immediate followers, what about the rest of the Uchiha? Should Konoha truly eliminate them all? And if they did, what would happen then? The Uchiha survivors might flee to the Hidden Cloud Village or another enemy village.


At that moment, Hyuga Hizashi, brother of the Hyuga clan head Hiashi, spoke up. "Lord Third Hokage, Danzo's act of stealing another clan's bloodline limit is too extreme. Please return Shisui's eye to the Uchiha!"


The Hyuga clan, now the largest family in Konoha, had significant influence. As Hizashi spoke out, the Uchiha felt a rare sense of solidarity with another clan. They could see that the Hyuga clan understood their plight, at least to some degree.


Hiruzen's frown deepened. If the Uchiha were slaughtered today, the Hyuga might also lose faith in Konoha's leadership. After careful consideration, the Third Hokage finally spoke. "Danzo, return Shisui's eye to the Uchiha! Hand it over now!"


Danzo's face twisted with disbelief. "Hiruzen, are you seriously asking me to remove my eye in public and give it back to the Uchiha?!"


Danzo was livid. He had just obtained Shisui's eye and had hoped to use Kotoamatsukami's power to bend others to his will. If he had the chance, he would have used it to manipulate the Hokage into ordering the complete extermination of the Uchiha clan.


Fugaku's voice rang out like a hammer. "That eye belongs to Shisui! When did it become yours, Danzo?!"


Realizing there was no way out, Danzo grudgingly began to unravel the bandages around his right eye. With an agonizing grimace, he pulled out Shisui's Sharingan, its three tomoe still intact, and tossed it to Fugaku.


Fugaku immediately dispelled his Susanoo and caught the eye. "This is Shisui's eye," he confirmed, his voice steady but filled with restrained anger. Turning to Hiruzen, he added, "Lord Hokage, Danzo... we, the Uchiha clan, will be leaving now."


With that, the Uchiha clan, proud and powerful, turned and left Konoha's leadership behind. It was the first time the Uchiha had openly stood against the village, and they had won.


Fugaku, who was usually willing to compromise, had shown an unprecedented toughness in front of Konoha's top officials. His strength and resolve were clear, a testament to the power he held as the head of the Uchiha.




Back at the Uchiha compound, Fugaku was approached by the clan's doctor. "Patriarch," the doctor said, "Shisui has regained consciousness, but the poison still remains in his body."


Fugaku frowned. "Why couldn't you remove it?"


The doctor explained, "The toxin in Shisui's system comes from a salamander—a deadly poison that only a few people in the entire ninja world can deal with.


The only known experts on this poison are Orochimaru, who has defected; Tsunade, whose medical ninjutsu could help, but who is missing; and the Akatsuki, from the Hidden Rain Village."


Fugaku's heart sank. None of these options seemed possible. Orochimaru was gone, Tsunade was nowhere to be found, and the Akatsuki was a notorious rogue ninja organization. There was no way they would assist a clan from Konoha.


"Shisui's chakra reserves are strong," the doctor continued, "so he can hold off the effects of the poison for a while, but this won't last forever. We need to find a solution soon."


Fugaku and Itachi went to visit Shisui, who was lying in bed, his body weak but still strong of spirit. Itachi gently placed Shisui's eye in his hand. "Shisui, here's your eye."


Shisui smiled softly. "Keep it," he said. "Sometimes, you can see things more clearly without eyes."


Itachi, moved by his friend's words, remained silent as he carefully put the eye away.


Fugaku, standing by, asked Shisui, "What do you plan to do next?"


Shisui's voice was filled with quiet bitterness. "I've lost all faith in Konoha's leadership. Danzo only cares about his own power, and the Third Hokage… he's no longer the strong leader he once was."


Fugaku then asked, "Will you stay with the Uchiha?"


Shisui didn't hesitate. "I'm disappointed with the Uchiha as well. The clan's only focus is regaining their power. They care little for true peace or justice."


Fugaku sighed deeply. He then told Shisui about the poison—the deadly salamander toxin that was slowly killing him. "If you want to survive, Shisui, you'll have to go to the Akatsuki in the Hidden Rain Village. With your strength, even without Kotoamatsukami, they will accept you."


Itachi looked at his father in disbelief. "Father, you would send Shisui to the Akatsuki?"


Fugaku gave a small, sad smile. "As the head of the Uchiha, I do not want Shisui to leave us. But as your elder, I don't want him to die either. Shisui, go to the Akatsuki. Witness the battle between the Uchiha and Konoha from the outside. Maybe then, you'll see clearly who is truly right and who is wrong."


Fugaku's words shook Itachi to his core. Until that moment, Itachi had believed that his father only cared about power. But now, he saw the depth of Fugaku's love for his clan and his people. Fugaku wasn't just a leader—he was an elder who cared deeply for those around him.




The next day, Shisui left the Uchiha compound, his eyes wrapped in black cloth, setting off on his own path.


At the same time, on the other side of the village, Sasuke was sound asleep. But in his dreams, a strange warmth filled his eyes.


When he awoke, he instinctively felt something had changed. He rushed to a mirror, and there, he saw it—the two tomoe of his Sharingan had evolved into three tomoe. At only five years old, Sasuke had awakened the three-tomoe Sharingan.

