Chapter 36: Zabuza



After becoming Genin, Sasuke, Naruto, and their team embarked on their first C-rank mission: escorting Tazuna, the bridge builder from the Land of Waves.


Kakashi held the mission scroll in his hand as they prepared to depart. Although this was officially a C-rank mission, which was typically not too difficult for a jōnin like Kakashi or a prodigy like Sasuke, Sasuke knew better.


This mission's true difficulty was far greater, comparable to an S-rank mission. During the escort, they would face the deadly threat of Zabuza Momochi, the Demon of the Mist.


But instead of fear, Sasuke felt a surge of excitement. If he could defeat Zabuza, he might even be able to recruit him. Sasuke had his own secret ambitions—he wanted to build a power base of his own.


In fact, Sasuke already considered half of the Akatsuki to be under his control since Obito, the real leader behind the organization, was essentially under Sasuke's command.


As they traveled through the woods outside Konohagakure, Tazuna, the middle-aged bridge builder, sat on a carriage. He looked at Kakashi, Sasuke, and the others and said, "Thank you all for your hard work."


Kakashi responded calmly, "It's just a mission."


With that, the group continued their journey toward the Land of Waves. After two days of travel, they finally reached the border. A river stretched out before them, and once they crossed it, they would be in the Land of Waves.


Just as the mission seemed nearly complete, Kakashi suddenly grew tense. He leaped off the carriage and turned to the team.


"Sasuke, Naruto, Hinata, the Land of Waves is just ahead, and we only have a few hours left to reach our destination. However, I've just received an urgent message from Shikaku Nara. Orochimaru has been spotted in Konoha! I need to return immediately to protect the village. Sasuke, I'm leaving this mission in your hands!"


Without further explanation, Kakashi left in a flash, heading back toward Konoha.


Sasuke couldn't shake the feeling that something was off. Why would Kakashi leave at such a critical moment? And why would Orochimaru, who had been hiding in the shadows for years, suddenly reveal himself now? It didn't make sense unless this was all part of Orochimaru's plan—aimed specifically at him.


As they continued walking through the forest, an eerie silence enveloped them. Not even the birds dared to make a sound. The oppressive atmosphere made Naruto uneasy. "Why is everyone so quiet? Sasuke, wait here. I need to take a leak," Naruto said before heading toward a large tree.


As Naruto was about to relieve himself, a soft voice suddenly came from above, "Small, but kind of cute~."


Naruto froze. "Huh? What?!"


The unexpected voice startled Naruto so much that he couldn't even finish what he had started. He looked up, only to see a delicate face smiling down at him.


Naruto blushed instantly. "A g-g-girl?!"


Haku jumped down from the tree, her expression gentle as she spoke to Naruto, "Don't be shy. It's just natural."


Naruto stammered, "But… but you're a girl!"


Ignoring Naruto's embarrassment, Haku looked into the distance. Her mission alongside Zabuza was straightforward—eliminate Tazuna, the bridge builder. Haku's job was to keep Naruto occupied, while Zabuza handled Sasuke and Hinata.


Meanwhile, Sasuke noticed that Naruto had been gone for too long. Something was wrong.


But Naruto was the Nine-Tails' Jinchuriki, and Sasuke knew Naruto had the aura of a protagonist—he wasn't too worried about him.


Sasuke quickly formed a hand seal, creating a shadow clone to stay with Hinata and protect her. "Don't be afraid of what happens next. I'll protect you," Sasuke reassured her before heading toward the carriage to check on Tazuna.


Suddenly, a thick fog began to roll in, surrounding them. Sasuke took a deep breath, and his Sharingan evolved into the Mangekyō Sharingan.


"Sasuke-kun! Behind you!" Hinata's urgent voice cut through the fog.


A flash of red light sliced through the dense mist as Zabuza's massive blade, the Kubikiribōchō, swung toward Sasuke's back. In an instant, the purple chakra of Susanoo materialized around Sasuke, its skeletal form blocking the deadly blade with a metallic clang.


Realizing his assassination attempt had failed, Zabuza vanished back into the fog.


"Hinata, use your Byakugan to locate the carriage!" Sasuke shouted.


Hinata activated her Byakugan, her veins bulging around her eyes as she scanned the area. "Five meters to the left!"


Sasuke wasted no time, dashing toward the carriage. He found Tazuna inside, trembling with fear. "What's happening?" Tazuna asked, his voice shaking.


"Stay close to me. I'll keep you safe," Sasuke said, leading Tazuna back to Hinata.


With her Byakugan, Hinata could track Zabuza's movements within the fog. His silhouette darted through the white mist like a phantom.


Sasuke frowned, his mind racing. He focused his chakra, and lightning began to crackle across his body, enhancing his speed and reflexes.


"Sasuke-kun, three o'clock!" Hinata called out.


Without hesitation, Sasuke surged forward, his speed amplified by his Lightning Style techniques. Zabuza, caught off guard by Sasuke's sudden burst of speed, barely had time to react.


The Mangekyō Sharingan spun in Sasuke's eyes as he channeled black flames into his hands. "Flame Style: Kagutsuchi! Amaterasu Shuriken!" Sasuke hurled two shurikens engulfed in the inextinguishable black flames of Amaterasu toward Zabuza.


The shurikens found their mark, slicing into Zabuza's arm. He let out a scream of pain, and the thick fog began to dissipate.


Sasuke saw only a severed arm burning with black flames—a testament to Zabuza's ruthlessness. He had immediately cut off his own arm to prevent the flames from spreading and consuming him entirely.


Sasuke smirked coldly. Zabuza was decisive, but also resourceful. When the Amaterasu flames began to engulf him, he hadn't hesitated to sacrifice his arm to save his life. It was a quality Sasuke admired.


He left a shadow clone behind to guard Hinata and Tazuna before turning to Hinata. "Hinata, where is Zabuza now?"


Hinata scanned the area with her Byakugan. "Seven o'clock!"


Sasuke nodded, his body crackling with blue lightning as he shot off in the indicated direction.


The techniques he had learned from the Hidden Cloud Village had proven incredibly useful—the ability to enhance his cells with lightning chakra was nothing short of extraordinary.

