Chapter 56: Chunin Exam - Part 4  



Kabuto Yakushi suddenly stepped forward as the third round of chunin exam was about to begin. "I... voluntarily withdraw from the competition," he announced.


Mitarashi Anko frowned in surprise. "Kabuto, you managed to survive the Forest of Death. Why would you withdraw now?" she asked, her voice laced with suspicion.


Kabuto shrugged helplessly. "I'm injured and won't be able to perform at my best. I'm sorry," he said with an apologetic smile.


With Kabuto's withdrawal, exactly 20 participants remained. The drawing continued, and soon, the matchups for the preliminary rounds were announced:


- Naruto Uzumaki vs. Kiba Inuzuka 

- Sakura Haruno vs. Ino Yamanaka 

- Tenten vs. Temari 

- Hinata Hyuga vs. Neji Hyuga 

- Sasuke Uchiha vs. Gaara


The first match was between Sakura Haruno and Ino Yamanaka.


In the spectator seats, Sasuke observed the match with keen interest. He noticed the parents of both girls cheering them on.


Sakura's parents, ordinary citizens, didn't expect their daughter to defeat the heir of the Yamanaka clan. Sakura's father called out, "Sakura! Give it your all! Even if you lose, don't have any regrets!"


"Yes, Sakura! You're going to be a great ninja!" her mother added with encouragement.


Sakura turned around, making an OK gesture to her parents. Her gaze then fell on Sasuke, who was watching the match intently.

Her heart surged with determination. Sakura had admired Sasuke since they were children but never had the courage to express her feelings. She took a deep breath and faced Ino.


"Ino, I'm not going to hold back!" Sakura declared, her voice strong and unwavering.


Ino smirked, her own resolve clear. "Neither will I!"


Ino quickly formed hand seals, preparing to use her ''Mind Transfer Technique''.

However, before she could complete it, her father, Yamanaka Inoichi, called out from the stands, "Ino, the Mind Transfer Technique can't be used on comrades from the same village!"


Ino hesitated, then nodded to her father. "Yes, Father!"


She knew that without the Mind Transfer Technique, she would have to rely on other strategies to win against Sakura.


Sakura, meanwhile, focused her chakra into her fist, igniting it with chakra flames as she charged at Ino.

Ino quickly stepped back, tossing a flower wrapped with an explosive tag at Sakura.




The explosion enveloped Sakura, leaving her with burns and injuries. But Sakura refused to give in.


She pushed through the pain, rushing toward Ino, grabbing her, and slamming her to the ground with all her strength. Ino had no chance to resist and lost consciousness from the impact.


However, Sakura, too, succumbed to her injuries and fainted shortly after.


The match ended with both girls unable to continue. The referees, Mitarashi Anko and Hayate Gekko, discussed the outcome.


Hayate Gekko spoke first, "Haruno Sakura lasted longer before fainting. I think she should be declared the winner."


Mitarashi Anko shook her head. "But Ino didn't use her Mind Transfer Technique. This exam tests overall ability. If Ino had used it, she might have won. This match was too close to call."


After some deliberation, the referees agreed that both girls had performed admirably. They decided that Sakura and Ino would both advance to the official competition.


The second match was between Hinata Hyuga and Neji Hyuga. Hinata stood nervously, facing her cousin.


"Onii-chan! Please fight me seriously!" Hinata pleaded, her voice trembling slightly.


Neji frowned, observing his cousin. "Hinata, have you mastered the Eight Trigrams: Palm Rotation?" he asked, already knowing the answer.


Hinata looked down, ashamed. "No... I haven't."


Neji sighed. "And what about the Eight Trigrams Sixty-Four Palms?"


Hinata's voice was barely a whisper. "I… I haven't learned that either, Onii-chan."


Neji shook his head, frustration evident in his voice. "Then how do you expect to face me?"


As he glanced at Sasuke, who was watching the match, Neji felt a wave of unease.


Sasuke's presence was overwhelming, and Neji found himself questioning what to do.

Should he fight and potentially crush Hinata's spirit? Or should he let her win, knowing it would be undeserved?


In a moment of decision, Neji turned back to the proctor. "I… forfeit."


Hayate Gekko was surprised. This was a match Neji was expected to win easily. But if the participant chose to forfeit, there was nothing more to say.


"The winner is Hinata Hyuga!" Hayate announced, though it was clear he was confused by Neji's decision.


Neji's usual performance and dedication meant he still qualified for the final rounds. But for now, the match was over.

Neji had chosen to show mercy to his cousin, despite knowing it might not be the best decision for his own progress.


Hinata, however, was not satisfied. "Onii-chan, stop!" she called out as Neji began to leave.


Neji paused, turning back to her.


Hinata's eyes were filled with determination and tears. "You didn't have to forfeit for me! I know my own abilities. I'm not strong enough to be a Chunin yet!"


She continued, her voice breaking with emotion, "Onii-chan, I don't want to keep living in the shadows of you and Sasuke. I want to improve on my own!"


"This match… I forfeit! The one who should advance is you, not me, Brother Neji!" Hinata declared, her heart in her words.


Neji was taken aback by Hinata's conviction. He looked at her with newfound respect. "Don't you want to be a Chunin?" he asked quietly.


Hinata nodded, her tears flowing freely. "I do… but I want you to be a Chunin even more!"


Neji finally smiled, a rare and genuine expression. "I won't let you down."


Hayate Gekko, now understanding the bond between the two, announced, "The winner of this match is Neji Hyuga. Neji advances!"


Hinata's record in the exam wasn't impressive enough to earn her a promotion, and she knew it. She would have to wait until the next exam to prove herself.


Meanwhile, on the high platform, the Fourth Kazekage, Rasa, watched Sasuke with intense interest. His eyes gleamed with greed and desire as he observed the young Uchiha.


"What a powerful and flawless body…" Rasa thought, unable to suppress his sinister grin. The Third Hokage, Hiruzen Sarutobi, didn't notice Rasa's subtle reaction.


Hiruzen, still focused on the exam, asked Rasa, "Kazekage, what do you think? The young shinobi of Konoha are full of potential, aren't they?"


Rasa nodded, though his mind was elsewhere. "Yes… and the One-Tail Jinchuriki from our village is equally impressive."


The two Kage continued to watch the Chunin Exam, both with their own agendas hidden beneath their calm exteriors.

