Chapter 60: Impure World Reincarnation Technique  



The moisture in the air coalesced into a fearsome blue water dragon, its fangs bared and claws outstretched, surging toward Orochimaru with deadly intent.


Orochimaru smirked, "Haha, Sensei, your ninjutsu is just as formidable as ever!"


The water dragon collided with Orochimaru, tearing his robes apart and slamming him against the barrier's edge. His body, like a crushed insect, slowly slid down the wall.


Though Orochimaru was a traitor, and though he had committed unforgivable deeds, he was once his student.

Sarutobi Hiruzen couldn't help but feel a pang of sorrow as he called out, "Orochimaru! Stop this madness! You cannot defeat me—there's still time to turn back!"


Meanwhile, at the Chunin Exam arena, Gaara, in his partial Shukaku transformation, was on the verge of a fierce battle with Rock Lee.


Suddenly, an Anbu operative appeared beside Kakashi, urgently whispering, "Lord Third was ambushed by Orochimaru!"


Kakashi's eyes widened in shock. Orochimaru again!


Realizing the gravity of the situation, Kakashi swiftly informed the other instructors that the Hokage was in grave danger and made the decision to pause the Chunin Exam.


In an instant, Kakashi teleported to the battlefield, whisking Rock Lee away just before Gaara could strike.


Gaara, incensed by the interruption, glared furiously at Kakashi. But before he could act, his gaze was caught by Kurenai Yuhi's red eyes as she cast a powerful genjutsu.

Though her illusions weren't as potent as the Uchiha's, they were enough to pacify Gaara, causing him to faint.


Kankuro rushed to Gaara's side, slinging him over his shoulder and preparing to flee. It was then that their sensei, Baki, appeared, his face pale with fear.


"Run! Run now!" Baki ordered with urgency.


Kankuro, confused, asked, "Sensei, what's going on?"


Baki's expression was grim as he replied, "The Kazekage is in danger. The one who accompanied us to Konoha wasn't the Kazekage—it was Orochimaru in disguise! He's fighting the Third Hokage right now. We need to use this chance to escape! Leave Konoha—it's too dangerous!"


"But what about the Chunin Exams?" Temari asked, worried.


Baki could barely contain his frustration. "Forget the exams! Your lives are what matter! I can't save everyone, but I can at least get you three out of here!"


"Earth Style: Sand Whirlpool!" Baki's hands turned into sand, spreading across the ground. The sand formed a swirling vortex.


Without hesitation, Kankuro and Temari leaped into the whirlpool, disappearing from sight.


Baki breathed a sigh of relief as he watched the three children escape. The Sand Whirlpool was a powerful ninjutsu, but it consumed most of his chakra.


Though he could save Gaara, Kankuro, and Temari, he couldn't escape himself.

And with the real Kazekage dead at Orochimaru's hands, the Sand Village was now leaderless.


Back at the Hokage's location, Kakashi and the others arrived at the scene, staring helplessly at the impenetrable purple barrier on the roof.


They were powerless to break through it, forced to watch the battle unfold between Orochimaru and the Third Hokage.


Orochimaru paid no mind to the onlookers. With a twisted smile, he taunted Hiruzen, "Sensei, I may not be your equal in battle, but I can give you a worthy opponent—your own teacher!"


Hiruzen's heart sank. "My teacher...?" His mind raced.

His teacher was none other than the Second Hokage, Senju Tobirama, who had died in the Second Great Ninja War. But Orochimaru's words... they could only mean one thing.


"Old friend, stop him!" Hiruzen urgently commanded the Monkey King Enma, but it was too late.


Orochimaru bit his finger, quickly forming a series of seals before slamming his hand on the ground.

A strange pattern spread out beneath him as he shouted, "Summoning Jutsu: Impure World Reincarnation!"


Two coffins emerged from the ground, marked with the numbers "1" and "2."

A third coffin began to rise, but Enma acted swiftly, delivering a powerful blow to Orochimaru's face that knocked him back and caused the third coffin to disappear.


Orochimaru, his face grotesquely twisted from the blow, seemed unfazed. Instead, he muttered with regret, "This technique still isn't perfect... I can do better."


The lids of the two coffins creaked open, revealing two figures inside—one clad in red armor, the other in blue. They were the First and Second Hokage, Hashirama and Tobirama Senju.


Tobirama, disoriented, glanced at his cracked hands and muttered, "The Impure World Reincarnation... such a crude version."


Orochimaru chuckled darkly, "My version may not be as refined as yours, but I'll continue to improve it."


Tobirama gave Orochimaru a cold look before turning his gaze to Hiruzen. "Monkey... even you've grown old."


Hiruzen's eyes welled up with tears. It had been so long since he had seen his mentors. "Sensei, Lord First... Konoha is thriving," he said, his voice thick with emotion.


But when his eyes shifted to Orochimaru, they burned with fury.

Despite everything, Hiruzen had always shown mercy to Orochimaru, his once-beloved student. But this—this was unforgivable.


To defile the souls of the departed, especially those of the First Hokage and his own teacher, was an abomination.


With a wave of his hand, Enma transformed into a diamond-hard staff, appearing at Hiruzen's side.

Hiruzen looked at the two resurrected Hokage with deep sorrow. "Forgive me, Lord First, Sensei... I will soon return your souls to rest."


Then, turning his wrath on Orochimaru, Hiruzen shouted, "You traitor! How dare you use such a vile technique to desecrate the souls of the First Hokage and my teacher!"


Orochimaru, his face still twisted, grinned wickedly. "Hehe, Sensei, I didn't invent the Impure World Reincarnation Technique!"


Senju Tobirama: "..."

