Part 1: Intro - Journey Towards the Silver Light

The universe reveals its true colors under the inevitable radiance of the silver light. Nature awakens in its dreams, playing life's most enchanting symphony as the world is purified by the touch of the divine radiance.

"I have a gaping cavity in my memory— no recollection whatsoever of a staggering two year span in my life. Like a chrononaut phasing through time, I crossed past the ages ten and eleven in a single leap. And a week after I turned twelve, I woke up with a mysterious gap severing the connection between me and my past.

I was born with the unique title of a princess. The weight above my shoulders required me to become far more resilient, courageous, and powerful than those princesses you read about in fantasy stories. And with the guidance, support and protection of those around me, I ventured on an untrodden path.

Life only got better after meeting my older brother. Like me, he walked a unique path and eventually became the most powerful Dell alive.

On that day, when he offered me a different life to the one I always knew, to protect me from the dangers lurking in the shadows of the world, I looked at him and smiled.

Give me ten years and I will take that title away from you— I said to him. However, a veil of forgetfulness shrouds everything that happened thereafter, and in the years that followed.

When I woke up with a two-year gap in my memory, I was struck by how much had changed. The world felt alien, and a sense of loss and confusion startled me from slumber every night.

It's as if someone plucked pages from my life's book, stirring a burdening feeling of uneasiness within my core. Chilling sensations would emerge as distant whispers in the corridors of my mind. And whenever I try piecing together the fragments, it's like grasping at mist— intangible and elusive.

A defining period of my life, the laughter, the hardships, the tears— all swallowed by this void. And even though I'm always putting on a mask, pretending I'm fine, it's truly unnerving that nobody ever seems to understand what it feels like.

Questions keep weighing down on me: What happened during those years? Why am I the only one without memories of it?— the answers, I can only hope to find on this unending journey towards the silver light.

The silver light is the divine force that created and transformed our universe. Although some believe it to be an astral phenomenon originating from the stars and the moon. Figuratively, it could represent anything that brings enlightenment to a person— time, money, an activity, loved ones, an event, a train of thought, or even a passage inside a book. But at its core, it is an omnipotent entity that makes the world revolve and causes galaxies to unite.

I hope to one day reach the silver light. To spend an eternity bathing in its warmth, feeling nature's joy and delight. But you know, I can't shake of this grappling uncertainty— an unsettling fear of what I'd become after unraveling the mysteries I seek to uncover."