The Matriarch

This C-rank test center is a popular location to every Vertian resident. Dubbed 'The Forbidden Thicket,' its vast expanse of ancient woods defies the city's otherwise urban landscape. But of course, this isn't your usual forest; it possesses a few features that sets it apart from the ordinary.

The first is the Chakra Restriction System that renders even the most powerful Chakra Users powerless. For this reason alone, people avoid this place like the plague.

Unauthorized entry is strictly forbidden as an invisible barrier surrounds the woods, making it nearly impossible to enter without seeking permission at the entrance gate.

The barrier pulsates with a synthetic energy, repelling everything possessing chakra that attempts to breach it.

However, being a Crip, Keres can phase through the barrier easily. This is one of the few areas where having a dysfunctional Chakra Panel works in his favor.

Finally, there's the exit point— an archaic gateway marking the end of the test center's boundaries. Beyond this gateway lies escape from the capital, but unfortunately, the journey via this route requires traversing mountain ranges and thick forests. Only desperate souls would ever think to attempt it with countless more convenient and lawful options available.

The manned security at this particular border typically consists of only a handful of low-ranking officers patrolling day and night. These officers are easily recognizable by their badged khaki uniforms and duty belts. However, due to an emergency order, things were different this morning.

Three figures robed in the white of the Ancient Church gathered together, standing apart at the gateway.

Frowns and creases played on their faces as they stood by the corner, quietly awaiting orders from their mission captain.

But as the silence stretched further, one man, Brother Eamon took the initiative to speak.

"The higher ups..." He paused, his words misting in the air.

"They clearly don't think much of us, assigning us to this outpost on a morning like this" Eamon added, a deeper frown forming on his face.

"Right? Wasting our talents as mere support for patrol officers. What on earth is pope Hoover thinking?" Sister Elara chimed in, almost as if waiting for the opportunity to complain.

"And under Archbishop Aemedius, no less. I have served the Ancient Church for thirty years. Thirty good years! Only to still be at the mercy of some backwater aristocrat who isn't more powerful than I am" Brother Eamon clenched his fist, grumbling. Gnashing his teeth, he glared towards the group in conversation underneath the lofty watchtower more than fifty meters away.

His eyes narrowed on the man who stood out the most among the group. A man, whose titanium armor and horned helmet reflected the feeble sunlight as he commanded the border patrol officers.

As Eamon and Elara continued their conversation, Brother Rodryck crossed his arms, tightening his grip around his bicep.

'Fools,' he thought, shaking his head with his posture rigid against the wall. Veterans who lived through the Eternal Blood-War generally believe that Dells have grown weaker due to an extended era of peace.

Rodryck only started to believe this notion when he realized just how dull his peers' senses were. Eamon and Elara were ignorant fools, but he knew better.

His reader's eyes scanned the sprawling chakra that ensnared the whole area like a sinister net.

Chewing on his lower lip, he cast his chattering colleagues a sidelong glance.

'They truly are hopeless,' he shook his head, disappointed. It was hard to believe that anyone could be so oblivious to a danger he could sense even with his eyes closed.

Looking away, he focused on the source of the arcane web. It was the young woman beside Aemedius, her ruffled silver hair spilling over her shoulders like a waterfall. She wore a flowing coat, boasting cuffed stripes with five golden stars shining along its sleeves. Her black boots and gloves matched the trim of her brown coat as she tucked her arms inside the coat, cape-style.

She released a languid yawn, appearing indifferent to the ongoing discussion around her. And despite her remarkable attire, she looked out of place when compared to the Archbishop beside her.

Yet Rodryck couldn't take his eyes away from her. His heart quickened as he watched the air around her thrum silently with an ominous energy.

Then suddenly, she turned, meeting his gaze across the distance. A sharp panic swept over Rodryck، his breath catching in his throat. It was as if she had seen right through him, piercing his soul with those dull blue eyes of her's.

"Huh? Who's that Silver woman? Why's she looking over here?" Brother Eamon asked، his voice carrying an undercurrent of annoyance.

"Oh, that bimbo... you're better off not paying any attention to her," Sister Elara dismissed، waving her hand.

"You know who she is?" Rodryck chimed in, eyes still locked on the silver haired woman.

"I've run into her a few times while serving under Lord Chronos. Rumor has it she's a leading candidate to become the new Apostle of Yellow, but there's just no way. She's a complete airhead" Elara explained, her tone skeptical. After a moment's silence, she continued speaking.

"Ah, if I remember correctly, her name was..." She paused, stroking her chin in thought. "What was her name again..."

"Crescencia Senesio." The name fell from Rodryck's lips before he could stop it. His pupils immediately shuddered with dawning shock as Crescencia smiled, waving in their direction.

Eamon and Elara exchanged startled glances, frozen by her smile which was unsettling for a number of reasons.

Sister Elara seemed to wear a "See what I told you?" look on her face, but in that moment—

"Halt! This is a restricted area, identify yourself!" A stern voice cut through the unease, snagging everyone's attention like a thunderclap.

It belonged to officer Reynolds, who stepped forward, approaching a woman that suddenly emerged from the mist.

Cloaked in stylish leather, she had sleek black hair and exuded a mysterious charm that demanded reverence from all those who saw her. While her looks hinted at youth, it was impossible to discern her age as she glided towards Reynolds, her steps steady and silent.

"Pardon my intrusion, subjects of Leonidas." She spoke, her voice carrying a strange cadence.

"It would be dangerous for me to call out my name here but you may refer to me as 'The Matriarch'..." She came to an abrupt pause.

"I'm here to inform you all that God will be passing through this gateway soon. You're all hindrances, so I need you out of the way. And to put it plainly, this is not a request" She added, her voice a mix of gravity and composure.

A tense silence echoed as everyone at the scene exchanged wary glances with those around them. Several murmurs soon arose but amidst the confusion, officer Reynolds gathered himself to speak.

"Hey! What on earth are you yapping about? I asked you to—" He tried to block her path but before the words fully left his lips, his eyes widened. His knees buckled, sending him crumpling and in a flash— he collapsed, his face hitting the snow.

"One..." The strange woman advanced forward, slicing through the tension with her voice.

"Reynolds!" The watchtower officer's shout echoed as he jumped down, brandishing a baton-like weapon. However, Brother Eamon didn't waste any time. He lunged, catching the descending man before he crashed into the ground.


Sister Elara also didn't stand around. Wearing a fierce look in her eyes, she pressed the fingers of both hands together, forming a triangular sign.

[Prana Control: Hybrid Sphere]

An otherworldly light immediately encircled the intruder, trapping her within a compact, luminescent barrier. Elara's voice immediately followed, hostile and boastful.

"It's over, intruder. Not even Lord Invel could escape from my technique" She stated. And after a brief silence—


A muted noise reverberated as the mysterious intruder tapped her knuckles against the translucent wall that arched around her.

"A target-specific barrier with unique features but limited to a single target. Interesting..." She paused, releasing a short sigh contradicting her words.

"But you're not hoping to glare at me to death before your technique's duration runs out, are you?" The Matriarch asked, her eyes indifferent.

Elara's response was swift, her hands still joined together in a triangle.

"You know, I've always despised you fakers..." She spat. "But you sure know your stuff, I'll give you that."

"While I'd love to shrink the barrier, slowly squashing the life out of you, there won't be a need for that. Such a shame." She continued in a smug tone.

After catching hold of the falling officer, Eamon lowered him gently to the ground.

"Tch, she got him too" He muttered upon realizing the man was unconscious.

Shedding his white robe, Eamon stepped forward, activating his technique. And almost simultaneously, his aura began pouring out, both palms igniting with a sun-like chakra.

Reaching the barrier's iridescent light, Eamon cracked his knuckles and walked through as if he were intangible.

"I see," The Matriarch said. "Being the technique's sole target, I can't initiate contact with the world outside but it doesn't stop those outside from physically interacting with me and the space within it. An open system that is kind of isolated to only what's inside it. I'm impressed" She explained, her tone and expression impassive.

Elara smirked but Brother Eamon's face was resolute. Having discarded his robe, his bulky build became apparent, revealing a frame chiseled with fine muscles.

"Woman, let me ask you this," he twisted his neck, causing it to crack loudly as he growled. "Why oppose us servants of the Ancient Church?" He interrogated, hostility enhancing his voice.

In response, The Matriarch flared, her eyes widening with rage.

"Oppose you? Is your cerebrum perhaps wired wrongly?"

"I'm sure I was clear enough before," she seethed as she continued with her words. "God is heading this way as we speak. My purpose here is to remove the nuisances in his path" Her anger became almost tangible and in response, Eamon took a battle stance, aiming the heel of one palm towards her.

"Then, in that case..." He paused, his hands throbbing, poised to explode with gathered power.

"I hereby sentence you to eternal rest!" He declared and immediately—


An ethereal light blinded even his very own eyes as he thrust his palm, releasing a nuclear explosion of his chakra. However—

"Eternal rest?" Her chilling voice rang out. "A mere servant dares to use euphemisms against me?" She added, unfazed.

Usually, Eamon's technique could obliterate a man and his pet to nothingness in a single strike. But this would've only been possible if it landed.

Brother Eamon's face squeezed into a frown. His palms, like meteorites, hammered the opponent. But as if he was fighting a ghost— none of his attacks connected. And so, confusion began gnawing at his mind.

He thrust forward again and again. The nuclear light blazed but the results were the same. Only thin air met his onslaught, mocking his strength and speed.

'Why?' The question haunted him, desperation darkening his face.

Elara's barrier couldn't be the issue. Its design allowed non-targets to initiate contact with both the target and the space inside it, blocking physical and direct energy interactions the other way around. So why did his strikes fail? Panic surged through him but in that instant, Elara's voice rang out, cutting through the chaos.

"What are you doing! Brother Eamon?" Her yell echoed in his ears, causing him to hesitate for a moment.

It lasted only a second, but The Matriarch seized this opening. Her hand suddenly morphed into a blade at a speed that sent bare chills through Eamon's spine.

"It's a bluff, you idiot! She can't touch you!" Elara yelled but her reassurance fell on deaf ears.

Eamon felt his heart explode. He began reciting his final prayers as the blade curved towards him promising death.

But just before the blurry-hand could razor through his throat, fate intervened. A bronze streak, faster than the speed of thought, sliced space, claiming the head of the mysterious intruder.

The man who sent her head skyward, assumed a sword stance a few meters behind her as the severed crown and lifeless body plopped to the ground. It was none other than Archbishop Aemedius whose titanium sword and armor shone like divine silverware.

"Your talents were impressive for a false god believer. May the Lord grant his infinite mercy and forgiveness upon your wretched soul. Pteew" He spat disdainfully, sliding his sword back into its sheath.

"You were a helpful distraction. Keep up the good work, Eamon." The Archbishop said sternly.

Brother Eamon chewed on his lower lip, rising to his feet. 'This bastard has gotten even stronger,' he thought with a frown, staring down at the false god believer's headless form.
