extra chapter: Author Words.


Hey, this is the author, a young boy who will be turning 20 in a few months, and has ambitions to reach the top.

How are you guys? Good? Good.

As for this story, it's the first fantasy novel I have written, however, it is my treasure and my wealth.

I plan to delve into the story and do my best in it, and I will not publish any chapter that's not cooked, or that I feel is incomplete.

As it happens now, the main characters are full of mystery and their background is unknown, let alone their goals, interesting, right?

Anyway, writing and publishing this story was due to my deep desire to create, this book is like a candle in the middle of the darkness for me.

Like every normal person, I read stories here and there, however, I always felt that there was something missing.

For this reason, I sought to find out that deficiency with this book, and I hope that this book will be a teacher for me.

I will not lie, and say that it's the first book I have written, I have written some clichés here and there, such as Beyond the Mystery, A cruel Night and some other cliché stories.

Of course, I didn't continue them for a long time, because I felt like I was following in the footsteps of other people and only copying them.

But even failed experiments have their benefits.

On the contrary, I am extremely grateful for writing these simple books, how can one learn without failure?

The greater a person's failure, the greater the meaning and value of the lesson he learns, or simply, the weaker and more miserable he becomes.

When I read them again, I felt embarrassed here and there, and I felt as if my true feelings were not present in those books, and yet, at the same time, I feel a bit proud of myself.

That means that with every book I write, I have become more serious about writing, and I have begun to correct my mistakes.

And on the last side, there is this book.

Crescent moon Light Academy.

My greatest masterpiece.

This book will be the pinnacle of what I have done or will do, and most likely, I will not be able to write anything better in the future if I am alive, insha-allah.

The events are slow for now, and I don't plan to speed them up right away, as the story is all about getting to know the different people and the history of this mysterious world.

With time — as I build the foundations of my story's world, the events will become a bit hectic and complicated, and then you, my dear reader, will realize the importance of taking things slowly, and the value of understanding things little by little.

The events of the first volume will be similar to the introduction, and it is based on the civilizational and historical side of the world.

Then on the other side, there are the characters.

The characters of my story that I will flip between loving and hating, who I will focus on more and who I will prefer less, in the end I am just a human being who makes mistakes sometimes and succeeds sometimes.

I won't be a hypocrite and say that I won't like a character I write over another, however, I will do my best to build each character and give them their due.

In fact, when I first wrote the side characters, like Fernando, Chae Nayeon, Kang Woo and the others, I planned to make them just passing and unimportant characters.

However — like everything in life, things don't always go as we expect, and I have a hard time coming up with names for things or remembering them, not because of a lack of memory, but just a habit that has developed as I've gotten older [for the record, I'm not old, I'm still 19].

So when I rack my brain to come up with a final name, I find myself, counterintuitively, writing the character's backstory, their own understanding of the world and their goals, and then the variety of emotions that character has.

I have a feeling deep down, when I write a character, and finally find a name for them, that it's a loss for me to make them just a forced means to move the story along, I want to feel the world through the eyes of those characters and see them with a non-cognitive awareness.

That may sound strange, but that's how I feel.

Anyway, the first volume will be about a hundred chapters and so on.

I'm a little confused, about drawing the characters.

Should I wait a little while until I learn how to draw and draw them myself, or find a random character that matches the description of the characters?

Or should I wait until I earn enough money to make my own website, and have a professional draw them.

There's also the need to write a draft in which I put the important events, locations, and power system in the story.

There's a lot to do, actually.

While I started college a while ago, things still feel surreal to me, and I feel like my childhood was just yesterday, and now I'm starting my adulthood.

However, no matter how messy things are and how elated one feels, as long as there's perseverance in my heart, things will work out somehow.

I've gone on a bit, but what can I say? I'd like to express my pride in this book.

Anyway, the main reason was about when the chapters would be released.

Sometimes it will be fast, sometimes it will be slow, and it has nothing to do with laziness, life is fickle, and I am struggling a bit to stabilize my financial situation so that I can devote myself to writing the story, but even so, I will never leave it or stop writing it.

It may take a few years, I may wait a long time to finish it, or I may not wait long, it depends on my effort second, and the extent of my life first.

That's all, with you was the author, Raiven Leon.