Chapter 11: Life is not always fair, but that is not an excuse (3)

Chapter 11: Life is not always fair, but that is not an excuse (3).


Across the horizon at the dock where the ships are anchored, a group of adults stood talking.

"No matter how I think about it, it's probably him."

The voice of the supervising teacher, Deus, could be heard mumbling as if he were deep in thought.

"It might not be him either, but the way he enters is exactly as the director said."

"That just means what the other rascals have been waiting for is about to happen."

A group of teachers exchanged opinions as they stared at the ship approaching the dock.

Their voices contained some joy.

Has their long wait finally come to an end?

Just thinking about it made butterflies dance in their stomachs.

"We can't confirm anything, whether they are heirs of the twilight of the past or just a bunch of rabble, only the academy director can reveal that."

A cold voice pulled the group from their daydreams.

'This person... started again!'

'We understand you were attacked by that rascal, but it has nothing to do with us.'

'Let us dream a little, you foul-mouthed bastard.'

Everyone in the group smiled brightly, except for Deus, while they cursed internally.

"Teacher, I'm sorry for my rudeness, but may I ask you a question?"

A voice that sounded like a young woman's came from behind the group of teachers.

The supervising teacher, Deus, who had been staring at the approaching ship, turned around.

"... Student Council President, would you be so kind as to grace us with your presence?"

"There is something this little one wants to know."

A young girl with silver-white hair and violet-tinged blue eyes smiled gently as she replied succinctly.

The Student Council President of the academy, the talent of her generation, is supposed to be studying in her third year now.

Needless to say, she has been the top of her class; since enrolling in the academy, no one has surpassed her.

Not only that, but she has even outperformed those older than her.

Whether young or old, everyone respects her to the point that it has reached a level of reverence and esteem.

Many people know her story in general.

The star of the Eternal Night Clan.

When her clan was in a period of decline due to the civil wars that occurred in the region, the girl's talent emerged, and she became the hope of the clan.

From her sharp intelligence to her amazing knowledge of martial arts, not to mention her loving personality.

She was the beloved person of the elders and the clan leader.

Although she is not the official heir of the clan, most of the attention is focused on her.

This is Olivia Romanov, the Student Council President of the Crescent Light Academy.

Instead of attending to the Student Council's affairs, she is here inquiring about something?

Was she someone so relaxed and unoccupied that she came to ask about something so easily?

'Highly unlikely.'

Deus doubted that was what she came for.

'Are you telling me it's a coincidence that the Student Council President came on such a day of all days to seek advice?'

There is definitely something.

But unfortunately, he couldn't figure out what that was just by thinking.

The information is lacking, not to mention he has no time to indulge in his thoughts to understand the intentions of this small yet mature girl.

She has always been like this; often, her unique way of thinking causes problems.

She has tried on several occasions to intervene in the academy's rules.

She has also fought many times to make conditions favorable for students in everything.

There hasn't been a peaceful moment since she took her position as the head of the student body.

Naturally, this has led her to clash with the head of faculty on many occasions as well.

One could say that their relationship as student and teacher is one of tug and pull.

Words are one of the best ways to reveal intentions, even if they reveal little of them.

This is how the two have always interacted with each other.

"For the Student Council President to tire herself with a question, my curiosity is starting to grow."

"Hehe~ It's not a big deal, teacher, don't worry."

She let out an awkward laugh while waving her hand as if it were not important.

Is she not going to reveal anything in this situation?

Deus thought about what it could be, but nothing came to mind.

'Well, since she said it's not a problem, that's comforting.'

Despite their opposing views in most, if not all, cases, their goal is the same.

To protect the students and the comfort of the academy.

She wouldn't carry such a relaxed atmosphere if there were a problem.

Of course, his curiosity did not diminish.

Even though her reaction does not seem to indicate a problem, the core of the issue still exists.

Why did she leave her many concerns?

As if announcing her unwillingness to answer, Olivia smiled gently and did not utter a word.

The suffocating silence continued as the supervising teacher, Deus, stared at the girl who smiled mysteriously.

"... Anyway, while we wait for the ship, don't you think we should chat a little?"

One of the teachers suggested when he felt suffocated by the uncomfortable atmosphere.

"That's a good idea."

The Student Council President clapped her hands gently as if she liked the idea.

The uncomfortable atmosphere remained in an unknown way even during the conversation.

For some reason, Olivia's and Deus's words were sharply defined as if they were revealing each other's intentions.

'These two are like cat and mouse, and we are the ones who have to bear the weight of the pressure, damn it!'

Bitter smiles appeared on the faces of the teachers and the students accompanying the Student Council President.

These students were, of course, members of the council as well; they accompanied Olivia like personal guards.

But in reality, they were the ones who restrained her from acting recklessly.

She was the type who was enthusiastic about problems and unusual things.

If it weren't for them, the whirlwind she caused in the academy would have been greater than it already is.

'You cursed ship! Anyone, come quickly and stop these two!'

Everyone here, except for two people, wished for this uncomfortable situation to end.

Not far away, inside the bushes, two young men could be seen walking gently with slightly annoyed expressions.

"Ugh! That bastard! Is that why he pulled that stunt? Even calculating giving this message to me... this is annoying!"

"Tsk tsk tsk, oh, Firon, why are you annoyed by this? What bothers me is more important than that trivial matter!"

"What do you mean, Loki?"

Sensing the annoyance in his friend's tone, Firon asked gently.

"This aura... I'm sure! It's her! I knew she studied here, but I didn't expect to meet her this quickly! How annoying..."

His voice was tinged with indignation, as if he were about to meet someone he did not wish to encounter.

"I think it will be annoying, but stay strong."

Firon patted Loki on the shoulder as if encouraging him.

Knowing that the real problem was facing his friend instead of him, he felt a bit better.

"... Your face annoys me for some reason."

Loki muttered as if unsure, instinctively feeling Firon's expression as if it were mocking.

"Hahaha! What do you mean? I'm supporting you now, so what do you say?! Come on, we should hurry."

Firon quickened his pace as if he wanted to avoid talking more.

Loki sighed gently and quickened his pace as well.

'This woman, I hope she doesn't make a scene; after all these years, her feelings towards me should be mixed.'

He thought in his mind as he walked quickly.

'Whatever, that's no longer my concern.'

He simply ignored the matter; he had more important goals at stake, so such trivial things did not occupy an important part of his mind.

Childish squabbles no longer interested him.

After going through battles and the ups and downs of life, all the resentment he held towards others disappeared.

Often, this boy lived a life where he had to bow his head to others and leave his fate in their hands.

He despised the bitter feeling of being trampled on every time, and because he was weak at that time, there was nothing he could do.

His resentment only grew.

At least, until the day he spread his wings to the world, it was so.

After going through a winding journey in his life, his eyes became clear, and there was nothing left of his resentment.

The determination to achieve his goals is what remained; everything else is just secondary results of that.

"The world is often unfair, and that is precisely its charm; why should I make that an excuse to give up?"

That's how he is, simple and uncomplicated.

Loki laughed to himself after realizing that such a simple truth had eluded him until he put in high efforts.

'Why is this fool laughing to himself all of a sudden?'

Firon, who was beside him and did not know his internal thoughts, felt that his friend had gone mad as he laughed in a frightening way.

In any case, the two approached their destination.

The light blocked by the bushes was waving on the horizon.

The beach was within sight.

With a sigh and their annoyance left behind, Loki and Firon confidently moved forward.

Work began.

For the previous group, the conversation was in full swing.

"Student Council President, don't you know? When a son gets into trouble, the parents must bear the burden, right?"

Deus said in a deep voice, as if hinting at something.

"Oh ho ho~ you are certainly right, teacher, but who said it's a problem dealt with by adults? It could just be a skirmish among the young, don't you agree?"

She laughed while placing her hand in front of her mouth, exuding an aura of mystery.

"Skirmishes can sometimes take a huge turn; wouldn't caution be wise?"

"Oh? Is that what concerns you, teacher? No need for that; it's a simple problem, you know?"

'Tsk, this rascal won't relent even now?'

'Sorry, but don't expect me to say anything, you damn teacher.'

The two laughed warmly at each other, as if a warm family conversation was brewing.

Unfortunately, for the audience, this "family" chat was nerve-wracking.

"Oh oh? Look who's here? You were already here?"

As if enjoying the absurdity of the situation, a cheerful voice came from the bushes.

'Thank God!'

'I don't know who you are, but I should thank you later!'

The unknown guest was welcomed, both by the students and the teachers.

Of course, it was not pleasant for everyone.

Everyone turned to see two handsome young men approaching them with confident strides.

It was safe to say that their appearance resembled war heroes from historical tales.

A young man with chestnut hair like autumn and dragon-like eyes of the same color, with clear white skin and a determined gaze.

His eyes sparkled from time to time, as if affirming his dominance.

The robe he wore fluttered with the wind.

One could see his bold smile, as if challenging the world, to anyone even from afar.

His wide strides did not diminish his arrogant appearance; rather, they only enhanced that impression.

His appearance reminded one of the raging fire in hell.

Bold, determined, and radiating a huge flame.

The boy beside him was the opposite.

His shiny silver hair reminded one of snow falling at night.

His violet eyes glimmered coldly, as if piercing the soul.

Like his companion, the boy laughed warmly in front of the audience.

But his laughter contradicted what he showed.

Anyone facing his laughter felt cold and shivers.

He seemed exactly like ice in the frost of frozen seas.

Chilling, cold, and sharp.

The contrast between the two auras made one wonder how these two could walk beside each other so comfortably.

"Here indeed...? Student, you'd better have a suitable explanation for your sudden entrance while you were supposed to be looking for the student Leon Evenius."

As the representative of the group, Deus spoke coldly as he stared sternly at the two before him.

"You must be joking, teacher~! Why would I bother myself with a failed hunting operation? There's a big difference between trying to catch a tuna and a savage shark, don't you agree?"

The white-haired boy replied in a gentle tone and laughed as if he heard a funny joke.

'... A failed hunting operation?'

'And what is a savage shark?'

The number of students chasing Leon was initially small, but over time, it was supposed to increase due to everyone's desire for extra points, especially when they were new students.

They would certainly want to make their chances favorable in catching him, as the island is huge, and a small group cannot hope to catch him.

And now this boy, who suddenly came from nowhere, says they will fail?

Some members of the student council wanted to mock his silly words, but the aura and confidence that the boy exuded made them unable to speak.

"... Is that so? I can consider your words a mockery of the academy, as you doubt the possibility of that, you know?"

As if he didn't care about others' doubts, Deus spoke while waiting for the other party's response.

It was strange for him to say such weak words; it seemed he wanted the two boys to contradict his words?

The teachers were shocked; the sharp-tongued person said a weak argument?

"Hmph, no one from the first year has started learning yet, let alone a handful of rabble can't do something like this, unless one of them is at least strong as me."

The boy opposite the white-haired one declared as he snorted coldly.

His voice was filled with confidence that matched his appearance.

"Oh~ Come on, viron, don't say that~ People will get angry when they hear this, hahaha!"

The boy beside Firon laughed as if he found it amusing.

"But, is there anything wrong with my words, Loki?"

"No, your words are completely correct."

"Then they should accept my words."

"Tsk tsk, you're not polite with people; I don't know how women like you with this behavior."

"Don't say anything ominous; I'm afraid one of them is actually following me."

viron shivered as he looked from side to side, as if making sure he wasn't being followed.

'Strangely, they get along quite well.'

'Right, right, is it because of their contrasting appearances? I feel their dynamics are perfectly in sync.'

'... Don't you remember their insults to others? Seriously?'

The students and teachers exchanged glances as they remained silent.

They could understand what they wanted to say without words; this showed that they were indeed used to such situations.

"Putting aside the farce, I came to confirm what needs to be confirmed, teacher."

Seeing the silent appearance of the audience, the white-haired boy, or as his friend called him, Loki, coughed before speaking.

"I have no need to say, the director is on the ship, right?"

"... What did you just say?"

A confused voice came from Deus's mouth.

Did he just say...?

"Did you not hear? I doubt that, teacher; I think it's already too late to pretend ignorance, don't you agree, Firon?"

"Hehe~ Maybe it is, maybe it isn't; the teacher decides that!"

Firon laughed gently as if he wouldn't interfere in the matter.

'Don't involve me; deal with it yourself, you bastard.'

'Tsk, useless.'

Faced with his colleague's evasion, Loki clicked his tongue in barely concealed annoyance.

He directed his gaze toward the person in front of him.

"You... how much do you know?"

A cold voice.

The eyes looking at him were not kind; on the contrary, there was a hidden intent to kill beneath them.

"What do you think now? You are ready to listen to me, right?"

The white-haired boy did not hesitate; on the contrary, he faced the person in front of him with eyes that seemed like frost.

A suffocating atmosphere spread in the place.

In front of Deus's aura, the boy's icy aura did not retreat but only intensified.

"I think it's better to wait for the director instead of unnecessary chatter."

"I agree."

When the supervising teacher Deus suggested, Loki nodded in agreement.

The suffocating atmosphere did not recede.

'What is wrong with people today?'

'For God's sake, can't you talk amicably and peacefully?'

'My dear work, I want to return to the office with my precious papers.'

People cried in sorrow over their fate.

But who could they blame?

Three groups of people stood silently waiting for the ship floating towards them.

The Student Council President, who was strangely silent, with her followers.

The head of faculty, Deus, who carried his own thoughts, stood silently with the confused teachers.

And finally, two young men stood while staring across the horizon.

The intertwining relationships happening were incomprehensible.