Chapter 21: I know that, but I couldn't care less (4)

Chapter 21: I know that, but I couldn't care less (4).


She could only feel satisfaction, unlike most here, as she was poor, without a supporter or ally to rely on.

She could only rely on herself in hardships.

She was not from a prestigious family, so she risked her life many times to face the powerful.

And now, in this academy, she faced an immeasurable force.

This is simply the best.

"I... my name is... Stella."

As she fought, the girl suddenly lost consciousness.

It was from exhaustion and severe beating.

"Rest now, maybe we will fight later."

He walked towards her and carried her to where the other corpses were, making her lie among them.

Only Leon remained standing in his place, facing the rest of the people.

There was a pile of corpses.

He sat on a pile of unconscious bodies.

He looked with arrogance and disdain at the people in front of him.

"You there, would you be so kind as to come to me?"

He tapped.

He placed one hand on his chin, while tapping with the other hand on his leg, and his voice came out harshly.


Isn't it obvious why?

One of them wanted to say that, but they swallowed their words before saying anything.


The tapping stopped, and it happened all of a sudden.

Why did they stop?

The reason was what happened suddenly.

A strange feeling of heaviness pressed on the people in front of Leon.

It was not something that prevents you from moving like instinctive fear.

No, it was something more material.

It literally prevents you from moving, regardless, even if you were scared or indifferent, it was all the same.

As if the air was making you bend, even standing was difficult.



Most people lost the ability to stand, and their bodies bent towards the ground.

Many of the weak fell, with no ability to stand.

Even those who were supposed to support the group after gathering their strength after throwing Dio at them experienced the same thing.

Lloyd easily avoided them and knocked them out, but now he walked among them as if on a stroll.

This pressure did not affect Dio and the other two.

And naturally, it did not affect those who lost consciousness.

It seemed as if this strange pressure only affected whatever Leon wanted, and followed his orders.

The level of control Leon had over this power was absurd, extremely absurd.

Everyone, including the weak.

They were all pressed to the ground.

Only Shin Soo, Edward Harvey, and a few other strong individuals remained standing against Leon, albeit with difficulty.

They looked cautiously and fearfully at Leon.

The most cautious among them was Edward, who had a previous experience with Leon and wanted to beat him more than anyone else here.

But this thought naturally disappeared from his mind.

He was only struggling to stand now, let alone fight.

'T-this monstrous power!!'

Edward was a sword expert and strong by nature, so he saw the gap between Leon and those he had beaten.

It was huge!

Not to mention that he was merciless!

Among the attackers in front were girls, but he did not hesitate to kick them harshly in their stomachs and bodies!

Edward appreciated beauty himself, so he would think twice before laying a hand on a woman.

But it seemed that this Leon was not like that!

Edward quickly circulated the mana in his body to reduce the pressure on himself and remain standing.

Shin Soo stood cautiously, this young boy had a keen eye for things and picked up the smallest details.

Earlier, Shin Soo noticed the situation and did not let any detail slip from his eyes.

He noticed that the reactions of the others in Leon's group had been calm from the beginning.

Not to mention the most important thing.

They were the fallen.

The bodies lying on the ground were not as they seemed.

He hit them hard, but no clear fractures could be seen in their bodies, not to mention that the flow of chi that could be sensed from them was still flowing smoothly.

When a person gets injured, the flow of chi in their body weakens, and by tracing the same path of chi, one can see the extent of the enemy's injury.

Not everyone can see that path; it depends on how well one can feel magical energy.

For the clan, their most important source of income is information, and naturally, their martial arts relate to the flow of energy and feeling it.

But that does not mean that they are all outstanding in feeling it.

Only some of them were prominent, and Shin Soo was one of them.

It was unreasonable how Leon managed to hit them all without affecting the chi in their bodies?!

He hit them hard, but avoided vital organs; of course, that does not negate that the blows were very painful.

Even the girl he hit more than the others had no scars on her face.

The only one truly injured was the giant pig; he was completely wrecked.

A moment ago, he was somewhat confident.

And now, he instinctively felt some fear and anxiety.

This person in front of him was truly strong and tyrannical.

What is this terrible pressure! As if the world wants me to kneel and fall before him!

Like Edward, Shin Soo struggled to circulate the chi in his body to resist the pressure emanating.

This was an annoying situation.

Moreover, it was a difficult situation.

"Leon Evenius, student Leon Evenius, I can explain, so could you please lessen this pressure?"

A clear voice.

A firm voice.

And he was not afraid.

This was the voice of Princess Lucia.

She was a kind, good, and wise person.

Even in the midst of this situation, in the eyes of others, she did not lose her calmness.

"Princess Lucia Hardian, the second princess of the Kingdom of Cairo, if I remember correctly?"

He rose from the pile of corpses and began to walk in the air.

Yes, he was not walking on the ground.

He was not floating, nor was he flying or falling lightly.

As if walking on stairs, step by step.

In that simplicity, he walked on the air.

Everyone became alert.

He was neither cautious nor afraid.

Is he a fool?

No, that conclusion was the farthest from the truth.

Whether it was how he easily thwarted others' words, or how he lured them through those other two, or even his style of dominance, they did not think he was a fool.

This meant one thing.

The unknown variable, which they had ignored for a long time, had come.

But it was frightening.

Why is he not acting cautiously? Does he have strong support? Is he just arrogant?

No one knew any of that.

"Yes, this is me, Leon Evenius."

In an attempt to suppress her fears, she spoke in a firm voice, the intentions of this person were unknown.

More than anyone, she was afraid of him.

He was the monster she saw with her inner eye, terrifying.

But she could not retreat in a situation like this.

She was one of the strongest people here, so she bore the pressure emanating from Leon better than the others.

"Princess, just so you know, I will not bow or show courtesy suitable for the royal family of the Kingdom of Cairo."

"I do not like Marcus, after all."

By saying a statement that could lead to the execution of the entire family if said by someone in Cairo, Leon walked and approached the princess.

"H-how dare you!!!!!"

An angry voice and a dark aura.

His expression was cold, and his eyes were harsh.

Edward was truly angry.

As a protector of the princess being from the Harvey family, these words were an insult to the honor of the family he served under, and thus, it was an insult to the honor of his family.

And this was something unacceptable!

Marcus Hardian, the ruler of Cairo, and the strongest person in it.

He was a tyrant against his enemies and kind to his allies; he was an excellent example of what is called a leader.

No, he was an emperor.


He drew his sword from its sheath, but he could not move.

No matter how much he resisted, he could not move.

"This is it, you noble scoundrels complicate everything and get angry easily."

The color of his eyes was dull.

What the princess saw earlier appeared once again.

He was colorless.

His dark eyes looked lifeless.

And his voice was toneless.

Lloyd watched him while squatting next to people who were asleep.

He did nothing to them; he just knocked them out.

Silently, he stared at Leon.

Even he felt a strange feeling when seeing Leon like this; sometimes he thought he was in front of a doll, not a human.

Dio had the same thoughts.

While fighting the two who had lost consciousness, his thoughts raced, and memories flashed in his mind.

In many cases, Leon did this; although it might be his own act, there were times they felt a detachment from him.

Detached from reality and the world.

He seemed like a person who saw the world with empty eyes.

Dio, Loki, Vairo, and Lloyd, they lived journeys of ups and downs with him and knew each other more.

They knew him better than anyone.

And unlike everyone else, they were not afraid of him.

They were brothers after all.

He approached the captured boy and whispered in his ear.

Edward could not do anything in this situation.

"In a situation like this, even if I kill you and escape, who can stop me?"

His words were brief, but they were indeed enough.

Edward's complexion paled from fear.

One emotion sometimes takes over a person.

That happens when a person's mind and emotions agree on what to do in the situation.

And now, his body and soul were in agreement on the matter.

He felt fear.

Therefore, he did not try to grab his sword again.

Leon left him and went towards the princess.

"So, shall we start the last phase of our show?"

She was silent.

The reason was not his strength, but his words.

I hate Marcus.

What did he mean?

Whatever the reason, it left her in shock and horror due to what she saw in her inner eye and what he showed everyone.

An unknown person stood against a princess of a powerful kingdom.

And unlike what usually happened, their positions were reversed.

The person who should have been on alert stood at ease.

And the one who should have looked without fear at that unknown stared at him with hidden fear.

"Princess, I know who you are, but do you know? I don't care less than I do now even about that."

"So, be honest with me, why did you gather these numbers to capture me?"

"... I don't understand what you mean, student Leon Evenius."

In an unwavering stance, she spoke without fear, hoping to deceive him.

She must not let him know that she was afraid.

Or he would exploit that.

"Are we going to play a game of push and pull now? You are the only one here who can do that, since the youngest heir of the Harvey family was with you, you can simply order him."

His eyes flashed harshly and he moved closer.

The distance between them was very close.

"Not to mention, since the Shin clan is the best in intelligence, he will cooperate with you and gather the students to please you."

He extended his hand forward and grasped the air as if crushing it.

But contrary to expectations, nothing happened.

He ignored her reaction when she tried to defend herself and continued speaking.

"What happened afterward is that you followed the instructions of the fools behind me and ended up here instead of bringing the professor himself."

"Owie! You are the fool! You son of a noble!"

"You act brilliantly just because you are floating in the air! You bastard!"

"I am not the one who gathered people to come out of jealousy; also, damn your honor!"

"Tsk! That bastard!"

"Ignore him, Dio, he ruined his wonderful atmosphere; our work was perfect!"

"Tch! They ruined my wonderful move!"

As Dio and Lloyd mocked him, Leon clicked his tongue.

These sons of noblewomen, damn you!


"Anyway! That was the matter, why did you gather these worms to chase me?"

In an effort to remove the embarrassment, Leon coughed quietly and spoke in a hoarse voice.

The princess's eyes widened.

This... is strange.

Strange is his matter, a person who seemed emotionless like a doll, but his actions were full of emotions, more than anyone here even.

Strange how he acts, sometimes frightening, sometimes laughing, and sometimes seeming like a fool.

He is strange, this person.

He is an unnatural person, and at the same time, he is so.

He was an inexplicable person.

The young girl laughed.

Unexpectedly, a laugh escaped the princess's mouth.

This was a strange situation in which she appeared, and contrary to her expectations, she did not hate it.

A feeling of unusual curiosity took over her mind.

Leon Evenius.

Who are you?