Ch14: breakup

Robin's eyes widened as he surveyed the carnage. "Wade, what the hell is all this? We come here and find you surrounded by dead bodies. Did you really have to kill them all?"

Wade looked up, his mask smeared with blood,"Hey, guys! Just taking care of some loose ends. No biggie~~"

Aqualad's voice was sharp, his frustration evident. "You could have told us,we would have helped you.when we trusted you promised us not to kill , not turn the place into a slaughterhouse. We don't kill. We're here to protect, not to execute."

Miss Martian floated closer, her concern growing. "You didn't tell us there were assassins following you ....."

Kid Flash, his face a mix of frustration and disbelief, added, "And look at this mess! You didn't need to go this far. We're supposed to be heroes, not… whatever this is."

Superboy's gaze was intense, his disappointment clear. "You're immortal. They could never have hurt you, but you still chose to act recklessly. We're not going to stand by and watch you compromise everything we stand for."

Wade shrugged, his casual demeanor masking his irritation. "Oh, come on guys..... I just did what needed to be done!. But I guess that's too much for you guys~~"

Robin's face hardened. "This is not how we operate. We have a code for some reason.

Your actions have put us in a difficult position. We can't keep you on the team if you're going to act like this."

aqualad's eyes were filled with sadness." We're asking you to leave, Wade. You've shown that you can't follow our rules or respect our values."

As the warehouse filled with the aftermath of the battle, the sound of approaching police sirens began to grow louder. Wade turned back to the Young Justice team, his voice edged with frustration and desperation.

"Umm, guys?" Wade called out, glancing at the team while anxious. "I don't have legs here. The police are coming, you know? Really, guys? A little help would be nice…"

Wade's frustration boiled over. "Oh, I see how it is," he shouted after them. "You're just going to leave me here haaa ?! Typical! You heroes really are something else... Can't even handle a little mess !"

He watched as the team boarded the ship, their resolve hardening. "What's the matter? Afraid of getting your hands dirty? Or are you just too busy practicing your 'perfect hero' poses to deal with a real problem?"

As the ship's stealth technology activated, making it nearly invisible, Wade's insults grew sharper. "You know, I always thought the Justice League had higher standards. Guess I was wrong. Nice to see you're just as spineless as the rest of them. If this is what it means to be a hero, I'd rather stick with the villains!"

The team, already moving quickly toward their escape, seemed visibly affected by his words. Their pace quickened, and their expressions became even more determined. Robin's jaw tightened, and Miss Martian's eyes narrowed, but they remained focused on their departure.

"The Justice League's going to love hearing about this," Wade called out, his voice carrying over the noise of the ship's engines. "You think they're going to be impressed with how you handled this? Keep dreaming!"

With one final, scathing remark, Wade's voice faded as the camouflaged ship lifted off, leaving him alone in the dimly lit warehouse. The grizzled detective approached with a frown, clearly unimpressed.

"Alright, let's sort this out. We've got a lot of questions, and you're coming with us"

Wade's sarcastic grin returned, though it was tinged with resignation. "Oh, officers, you caught me. Just another day in the life of your friendly neighborhood ex hero. Guess I'm off to face my actions~."

The warehouse, now a stark reminder of the chaos, stood as a grim testament to the decisions that had led to this moment.

The Young Justice team watched from their ship, their decision weighing heavily on them as they departed, leaving Wade to face the consequences of his actions alone.

"It seems it is only us again my friend...."