tailor stuff

Prison was boring, sure, but it wasn't a total waste. I picked up a ton of useful info—like the whereabouts of a shady little shop in Central City, run by none other than Paul Gambi. Yeah, the same guy who made costumes for The Rogues. Turns out, he's the go-to for more than just flashy outfits. Villains, mercs, and anyone looking to gear up for serious business paid him a visit.....atleast that's what uncle cold told me~

After "escaping" Lex's clutches—yeah, that's a lie, but everyone thinks we're enemies, not that he's my latest...client—I headed straight for Central. Gambi's shop wasn't easy to find unless you knew where to look. Hidden in an alley, no flashy sign or gimmicks, just an unassuming door between two rundown buildings. The place smelled like leather, oil, and trouble—the holy trinity of any decent tailor.

I slipped inside, the smell of leather, oil, and trouble hitting me like a warm welcome. The holy trinity for any self-respecting armorer.

Paul Gambi sat at his bench, piecing together what looked like a custom suit for some unlucky villain. The guy was older, graying around the edges, but his sharp eyes missed nothing.

"New client or troublemaker?" he asked, not even looking up.

I leaned on the counter, trying to look casual. "Let's say I'm a bit of both. I need a suit, weapons, the works."

Gambi glanced up, sizing me up with that bored look of his. "You got the cash for this?

I shrugged, playing it cool. "You know how it is. He's got his plans, and I've got mine. Just make sure the suit's got some style. You know, something that screams 'unstoppable force of nature' but doesn't make me look like I'm on a hiking trip. And oh, don't forget the weapons. I want to look good, but I also need to pack some serious heat."

Gambi sighed, rubbing his temple. "Right. Anything else, kid?"

I tapped my chin. "Yeah, a hidden blade...i...neeed....that thing!,i can't believe how my original didn't play assassins creed in his life before~"

The weapons will be ready in two months."

I frowned, crossing my arms. "Two months?! That's too long. I've got my first job to do !"

Gambi's eyes narrowed, and he rubbed his temple. "Well, listen here, kid. Flash has put me under his radar these days, unfortunately. So all I can get you are those two katanas on the wall and that Glock." He pointed to the weapons displayed in the corner of his shop. "That's all I can spare without drawing unwanted attention.""

I glanced at the katanas and the Glock, nodding. "Alright, alright. I get it. I'll make do with what you've got for now. Just make sure the suit's ready in a week."

Here is a little art I made for you as a reference~



This week was gonna be fun. My new suit was getting its final tweaks, and I had seven glorious days to waste—er, I mean, dedicate to professional surveillance. Lex's mission wasn't gonna do itself~

So, I spent my week living it up. I hit up some seedy bars, tested out food that probably violated several health codes, and dropped in on a few rooftop parties that I definitely wasn't invited to. But between the chaos, I kept my eyes open. I watched who went where, who looked like they had too much power and too little self-preservation. The Court of Owls was out there, lurking, and I was starting to piece together their puzzle.

(You know~ you could just read lex sheets....right?)

"Wai—you think I didn't think of that?! Of course, I thought of that!"

Ahem ahem.....anyway~

Day after day, I scoped out Gotham's high society, taking mental notes between my... let's call them "recreational activities." The trick was balancing the fun with just enough focus to track someone important—someone who could get me inside.

Day after day, I scoped out Gotham's high society, taking mental notes between my... let's call them "recreational activities." The trick was balancing the fun with just enough focus to track someone important—someone who could get me inside~

(And did that help you~)

Well~.....I do remember A birthday, once after leaving the theatre ,I think~

"How do you like the play son!"

"It was a little too scary for me, dad. I didn't know why the one man had to kill the kid's parents"

There was a dark alley 

"Life always doesn't go the way we want it ,Sometimes, Tragedy finds you and it's the choices you make after that will make you who you are"

that was clearly no place for a family to be walking through at that time of night. 

"Dad I don't think we should go this way ,It doesn't seem very safe"

I warned them

"Honey ,Don't worry ,Nothing is going to happen . This is just a shortcut to the restaurant where we are going to continue celebrating your birthd—"

"Unfortunately , you aren't going to make it tonight"

"No please... I will pay you whatever you want!"

They didn't listen

Slice 'N' dice~



"Sorry, kid, but your parents had to be grade-A pieces of #$%! Or this other grade-A piece of !#$ wouldn't have paid me to take them out.

And listen, do me a favor. Don't grow up and be a cliché. Stay away from caves and dressing up as some sort of bats while seeking revenge on injustice. That's a bad life, and you don't want any piece of that"

And hey~, when you get to college, use this whole situation as a sob story to pick up ladies at bars. Dead parents are a killer pick-up line!"



the parents death is canon by the way....you can read it in deadpool(2018) issue#1

and i will post it in the comments~)